Text Types
Literary Devices
List the three ADEC text types.
Narrative, Informative (Information), Critical Response
What does 'purpose' mean?
The purpose is the goal or main reason of a text. What a text is meant to do.
‘This is the bell on the school in the bay. Ringing the children in from their play.” [D] ‘bay’ and ‘play’ are an example of which poetic feature? A. repetition B. metaphor C. simile D. rhyme
What is the first step of the writing process?
List three reading strategies to help you understand when you read.
Question, Infer, Predict, Make connections, Visualize, Summarize, Monitor & Clarify
What is an example of a persuasive text?
A speech, debate, advertisement, letter
What is an audience?
The group of readers or listeners of a piece of spoken or written work.
Write the definition and an example of a simile.
A comparison using like or as. She is as bright as a star.
What is an example of an interesting opening or introduction in a persuasive text?
- Figurative language (Alliteration, Metaphor, Simile, etc) - Repetition - Question - Negative statement for emphasis - Quote - Humour
What is the main purpose of an advertisement?
To persuade or convince
What is an example of an imaginative/narrative text?
A story, novel, poetry, picture book
What do the following mean: - Persuade - Explain - Inform - Describe
Persuade: To convince or change minds Explain: To make an idea clear for someone. Inform: To give information to someone. Describe: To give details to tell about something.
Write a definition of a metaphor. Write an example of a metaphor.
A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as. She is a star.
On the T3 Exam, how will you organize your written text? (Grade 8 - Speech) (Grade 9 - Discussion/Debate)
Introduction - Powerful statement, intro 2-3 points 2-3 points - Explain and give examples Conclusion - Summarize and end with a powerful statement or call to action
What do Retrieve, Interpret and Reflect mean?
Retrieve - read on the lines (Find information in the text) Interpret - read between the lines (Make inferences about what you have read) Reflect - read beyond the lines (Make a connection/show global understanding)
When in your life might you write a persuasive text?
To convince someone to do something. - A letter to a teacher, parent or company - An advertisement for a sale or a party - A speech about an issue that is important to you.
What does innovative mean?
Inventive and creative - to think of new ideas.
What is alliteration? Give an example of alliteration.
Alliteration is the repetition of the beginning sound or letters of words in a phrase. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
How will you use the pictures or the keywords in the T3 exam written section.
Include the keywords in the text and use the photos to help support the writing.
‘The teacher turns pale.’ Which of these words is an adjective? [E] A. The B. teacher C. turns D. pale
Give three examples of texts that we have studied this year. (Narrative, Information, Critical Response/Persuasive).
8 Narrative - Picture Book, Descriptive Poem Information - Lapbook, Storyboard Critical Response - Advice, Persuasive Speech 9 Narrative - Memoir, Dramatic Script Information - Feature Article, Interview Critical Response - Review, Debate
What is a literary feature?
Figurative language, Literary device writing that creates a picture in the reader's mind. (Example: Metaphor, simile, etc)
What is personification. Write an example of personification.
Giving human characteristics to non-human things. The sun smiled down at me.
How should you organize the main body of your written text on the exam?
Make a statement Give evidence Give examples
Interpret: ‘This is the teacher, holding her chalk,’ Why does the writer say this? [D] A. to start the story B. to introduce a new paragraph C. to introduce a new character D. to conclude the story
To introduce a new character