War Facts
Checks and Balances
Court Cases and Laws
Teacher Facts
Rev. War Tension
Famous Documents
Compromise Era
Late 19th Century:
  1. W/ Bonus This historian wrote our classroom text book (First/Last)

Who is Eric Foner

Bonus 13/14

  1.  This document was fully ratified on July 4th, 1776.
  1. What is the Declaration of Independence
  1. During the middle of this war, the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.

The Civil War

  1. This person/group nominates supreme court justices

The president

  1. This court case established the legal process of “separate but equal.”
  1. Plessy v Ferguson (1896)

This teacher is currently in law school

Mr. Luttenegger

  1. Two Answers: (A) This person was the second president of the United States. (B) This person was the third president of the United States  
  1. (A) John Adams (B) Thomas Jefferson
  1. This act taxed official court papers and other paper based goods like playing cards.
  1. The Stamp act
  1. This term is used describe a form of slavery prominent throughout the 1500-1800s which infers that status of slavery as “inheritable.”
  1. Chattel slavery
  1.  Write the Author/Document -> This document was signed by members of the Continental Congress outlining their grievances related to the actions of King Charles III. Some describe it as a breakup letter.
  1. Thomas Jefferson / the Declaration of Independence

As a result of the Missouri Compromise, which state(s) was added to the Union as a (1) free state & a (2) slave state?

  • (1) Maine
  • (2) Missouri
  • An individual who believes women are equal to men is often called?
  • A feminist
  1.  A People’s History of the United States was written by? (First/Last)

Historian Howard Zinn

  1. W/ Bonus: This date will “live in infamy”
  1. December 7th, 1941 - "Pearl Harbor Day"

    Bonus slide 9/10

  1. Name two territories acquired by the United States during the Spanish American war.
  1. Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines, & others
  1. This person/group confirms (votes for) Supreme Court justices.
  1. Senate
  1. This term represents local and state laws designed around perpetuating white supremacy in the South.
  1. Jim Crow or black codes

This teacher played on the famous Carnegie Hall stage.

Mr. Eaton

  1. Colony established by Quakers with the idea that all people were created equal.
  1. What is Pennsylvania?
  1. Crispus Attucks was killed at this event
  1. The Boston Massacre
  1. An economic policy where colonies produce raw material (commodities) while the “mother country” produces finished goods.
  1. mercantilism
  1. This person was the head of the Continental Army
  1. General George Washinton

The compromise period sought to balance the power between free and slave states in which houses of the legislature?

The Senate

  • This tycoon consolidated the oil industry in the late 19th century
  • John D. Rockefeller
  1. This former English tax collector, wrote the most popular book during the Revolutionary era. What is their name and the name of the text? (First/Last)
  • Thomas Paine - Common Sense
  1. What year was the Spanish-American War  fought?

What is 1898?

  1. Name one of the two nuclear bombs dropped on Japan at the end of World War II
  1. Fat Man and Little Boy
  1. W/ Bonus: This group is supposed to be responsible for declaring war

Congress - House and Senate

Bonus 11/12

  1. This Supreme Court decision was passed in 1954 and essentially outlawed the legal aspects of separate but equal.
  1. Brown vs Board of Education (1954)

This teacher plays the flute.

Mx. Rollings

  1. This is the type of government where elected officials make laws for its people.
  1. Representative government or Republic
  1. This act passed by the English allowed for English troops to be housed in the homes of Bostonians
  1. The Quartering act
  1. A form of contract labor guaranteeing passage to the New World and the potential of land/tools by a shipping company or land owner after contract expiration. These contracts typically last 3-7 years.
  1. Indentured servant / indentured servitude
  1.  This person inspired much of the Enlightenment era philosophy found within the Declaration of Independence.
  1. John Locke
  • (1) What is the name of the forced march of the Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma typically called?
  • (2) Which president signed this act?
  • 1. The Indian Removal Act
  • 2. President Jackson
  • This immigrant group was the largest in NYC during the period known as "old immigration."
  • The Irish numerical over the course of the entire 19th Century
  1. Historian Daniel Immerwahr wrote this book:
  • How to Hide an Empire
  1. The “Civil Rights Act” was passed twice within the same decade.  State one of the years

1960 & 1964

  1. Name three technologies advanced by World War One (WWI)
  • Radios, radar, photo cameras, video cameras, zippers, advancements in trucks & planes, zoom lenses, commercial sanitary napkins, reconstructive surgery and medical advancements.
  1. This person/group is responsible for managing groups like the FBI and CIA.
  1. President - The executive branch
  1. This act was passed during the Compromise of 1850 and allowed for runaway slaves to be arrested in free states.
  1. The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

This teacher sang the national anthem at the World Series. 

Mr. Everett 

  1. This city is considered the northern most southern city and the southern most northern city
  1. Baltimore
  1. The first Continental Congress voted to b______ English goods.
  1. Boycott
  1. The trade route between American colonies, Africa, and Europe that included crops, manufactured goods, weapons, and slaves; all for massive profits.
  1. Triangle trade or Columbian trade
  1. This question has two parts: (1) This group supported the monarchy during the Revolution (2) This group supported the American Revolution
  1. (1) Loyalists (2) Patriots
  • 1. The act allowed police officers and slave catchers to kidnap runaway slaves.
  • 2. This was apart of which compromise?
  • 1. The Fugitive Slave Act
  • 2. The Compromise of 1850
  • This act passed in 1882 outlawed individuals of which country from entering into the United States

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

  1. This American historian and super duper racist American president wrote the 14 points. (First/Last)

Woodrow Wilson

  1. Astronaut Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon during this year. Hint: Nixon was president.

What is 1969

  1. In the southern United States, this term is used to describe the Civil War.
  1. The war between the states
  1. Name all three presidents who have been impeached (First & last name)
  1. Andrew Johnson, William/Bill Clinton, Donald Trump (Twice)
  1. This court case established the principle of judicial review and Supreme Court supremacy in the United States
  1. Marbury v. Madison (1803)

This teacher briefly spoke with Nichelle Nichols (Uhura from Star Trek) at a convention the year before she passed away.

Mr. Ng

  1. This author wrote the book, The Unknown American Revolution
  1. Gary B. Nash
  1. This historian wrote the book, Revolutionary America: 1763-1815 (A) Francis Cogliano (B) Daniel Immerwahr (C) Colin Woodard (D)  Howard Zinn (E) Eric Foner
  1. (A) Francis Cogliano
  1. The name of the difficult, harsh, and sometimes deadly journey slaves made on ships from Africa to the New World.
  1. What is the Middle Passage?
  1. This question has two parts: (1) This author wrote the pamphlet “Common Sense.” (2) What was common sense?
  1. (1)Thomas Paine (2) It was common sense to revolt against the King of England and form a democratic government.
  • These three compromise summarize the "Compromise era.”
  • Missouri Compromise or the Compromise of 1820, the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
  • This 800+ page mid 19th century book, describes the origins of a materialistic interpretation of history, coins the term capitalism, and outlines the process of capital consolidation which would eventually become validate in the period known as the Gilled age.
  • Karl Marx's Das Kapital or Capital (English).