강조 Do

동사의 의미를 강조해서 “____ _____”라고 말하고 한다.

"정말 ~하다"

부정사 “to_______”을 부정사라고 부릅니다

to 동사원형


수동태는 무슨 의미를 가지고 있다?

주어가 어떤 일을 (스스로 하지 못하고) 당한다

동사의 의미를 강조 할때, 2가지 방법들이 있다. 그 2가지 방법들은?

1. really 추가

2. do/does/did 추가


부정사의 용법 3가지 있는데, 2개를 노트에서 적으세요!

주어 / 목적어 / 보어
수동태의 공식은?

주어 + be동사 + 과거분사 + by + 목적격


강조의 do를 사용 할 때, 주의 할 점은?`

주어의 인칭과 시제에 맞게 do, does, did로 바꾼다


각 문장을 보고, 어떤 용법인지 노트에서 적으세요. (주어, 보어, 목적어, 형용사, 부사적)

1. My teacher told us to be quiet.

2. They plan to play hide-and-seek in the playground.

1. 보어

2. 목적어


문장을 수동태로 바꿔 쓰세요!

1. The bird caught the fish.

2. She watched fireworks last night.

1. The fish was caught by the bird.

2. Fireworks were watched by her last night.


Emphasize the verb using do and the words in the bracket.

1. I ________ an alien in my backyard yesterday. (meet / past)

2. Clark ________ better when he plays games with his friends. (feel / present)

3. They ________ their motorbikes before entering the restaurant. (park / past)

1. did meet

2. do feel

3. did park

두 문장들을 to부정사로 합치세요!

1. She must be brave. She jumped into the lake to save the dog.

2. Charles goes to the gym everyday. He wants to gain muscle.

3. They were embarrassed. They couldn't show their faces.

1. She must be brave to jump into the lake to save the dog.

2. Charles goes to the gym everyday to gain muscle.

3. They were embarrassed to show their faces.


문장을 보고, 능동태나 수동태로 바꿔 쓰세요!

1. The weather news were reported by the forecaster.

2. My mother cooked salmon steak and pizza.

3. iPhones are distributed in the world by Apple.

1. The forecaster reported the weather news.

2. Salmon steak and pizza were cooked by my mother.

3. Apple distributes iPhones in the world.


Complete the sentences using emphatic do. Then, rewrite them using really.

1. She's learned Vietnamese for years and now she speaks Vietnamese.

-> She's learned Vietnamese for years and now she (_____) speak Vietnamese.

-> _____________________________________

2. You look terrible today, don't you?

-> You (_____) look terrible today, don't you?

-> _____________________________________

1. does / She's learned Vietnamese for years and now she really speaks Vietnamese.

2. do / You really look terrible today, don't you?


Pair the infinitives that are used in the same way.

1. My dream is to be a soldier.

2. We planned to show you something important.

3. Tanya left to buy some gifts for her boyfriend.

a. He decides to go home during summer vacation.

b. My goal is to get A+ for science test.

c. He sat on the chair to take a rest.

1. b

2. a

3. c


Create 3 sentences in passive voice!

Teacher will check