Service/Eagle Projects
Early 941
General Outings

Where is 941's campsite?

What is 12 o'clock high?


Every Eagle Scout must complete this type of project that benefits the community in order to earn the Eagle rank.

What is the Eagle service project? What is the Eagle project?


Who was the troops first Eagle Scout?

Who was Brian Cole?


What is a fun game we play at camp?

What is zorture?


The Scout Motto reminds every scout to always be ready for any situation.

What is 'be prepared'?


What is the location of the Wentathalon obstacle course?

What is scout craft?


What full day event occurs during the winter and is the only service project where you get paid?

What is the Christmas Tree Pickup?


Troop 941 was founded in this year, making it one of the oldest active troops in the area.

What is 1999?


What is one of our yearly outings?

What is Camporee?


Troop 941 scouts know that this three-finger gesture is used as a sign of respect and a reminder of the Scout Oath.

What is the Scout Sign?


What is the morning tradition at Wente and the only form of cleaning some scouts do?

What is wooly wash?


A popular service project involves placing hundreds of these at cemeteries on this day to honor fallen soldiers.

What are American flags? What is Memorial Day?


In the early years of troop 941, this individual was the first Scoutmaster, leading the troop to its first activities and campouts.

Who was Ralph Cole?


What is one of the high adventure campouts we take scouts to every 2 or 3 years?

What is Philmont?


Troop 941 follows the tradition of cooking meals on camping trips using these classic outdoor cooking tools, such as Dutch ovens and propane stoves.

What are camping stoves and Dutch ovens?


What is a fun evening tradition at Wente that features skits, songs, and plenty of laughs at the amphitheater?

What is the Wente Campfire?


Every year, Troop 941 participates in this nationwide service project, where Scouts called food donations to help families in need.

What is Scouting for Food?


Early members of troop 941 camped at this historic campsite for many of their first outings.

What is Brownsea Island?


What is the most overrated camp food?

What is Shake 'n Pour?


Every scout learns this life-saving skill which involves methods like the Heimlich maneuver and CPR.

What is First Aid?


What is a large body of water at Wente that is perfect for canoeing, fishing, and even the legendary polar bear swim?

What is the Wente lake?


A successful Eagle project isn't just about building something - it also requires detailed planning, organizing, volunteers, dedication, and approval from this special group of adult leaders.

What is the Eagle Scout Board of Review?


In the early days of troop 941, this type of outing was the troops most popular annual event, bringing scouts together from all over for a weekend of fun and competition.

What is (unknown)?


What event reminds scouts of how fun snow camping is as well as how cold it is?

What is Winter Camping?

How many people have earned the Eagle rank so far?

How many people have successfully completed their Eagle Project?

What special ceremony celebrated the Eagle Scouts' accomplishments?

105 people have earned Eagle Rank

people have successfully completed their Eagle Project.

The Eagle Scout Court of Honor