Where were the priests and people to cleanse themselves?
The outer court.
How many pieces of showbread were in the Holy Place?
From what color and material was the priest's robe made?
Pure white linen.
Who did God show the pattern of the tabernacle to on the mountain?
Where could only the priests and Levites go?
The Holy Place
How many lights were on the golden lampstand?
What dangled at the bottom of the high priest's robe?
Who gave all the material to make the tabernacle?
All the people of Israel.
Where could only the High Priest go one time a year?
The burning incense
What color was the tunic the high priest wore over his robe?
Who took care of the other pieces used in the tabernacle?
The Levites.
Where was the scapegoat sent once a year?
Out into the wilderness.
The Ark of the Covenant
What was on the breastplate of the high priest?
12 jewels with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Who were the only ones to carry the ark of the covenant?
The priests.
Where did God give Moses the pattern for the tabernacle?
On Mt. Sinai.
Where did the priests wash there hands before going into the Holy Place?
The bronze basin.
What was written on the priest's turban.
Holy to the Lord.
Who entered the Most Holy Place once a year?
The high priest.