Share an Opportune Moment to start something new!
Share an Opportune Moment to start something new!
If you are selected to go to outer space and you can only bring one person with you? Who and why?
If you are selected to go to outer space and you can only bring one person with you? Who and why?
If you run for president of Achievers, who do you want to recruit to join us and why?
If you run for president of Achievers, who do you want to recruit to join us and why?
Share an Opportune Moment to say "No"!
Share an Opportune Moment to say "No"!
If you are pregnant, what is the first thing you will do?
If you are pregnant, what is the first thing you will do?
6th-century Irish monks were the first to write books that prescribed particular acts for particular sins in order to show genuine repentance. These acts were called this.