90s Music
Commercial Jingles
Staten Island
U.S. History
Movie Trivia Pt. 2

Name the song.

Bonus: Name the artist.

What is Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.


Which brand used this jingle?

What is Burger King.


This restaurant/ bar is best known for their Mary Jane Wings.

Bonus: Which restaurant/ bar is best known for their burgers? 

What is Jody's Club Forest (will also accept Jody's).

Duffy's is best known for their burgers.


In 1803, this deal nearly doubled the size the U.S. 

Bonus: Who was the President during this time?

What is the Louisiana Purchase. The President at this time was Thomas Jefferson, negotiating just three cents an acre for the expansion west of the Mississippi River. 


In Star Wars The Phantom Menace, this musical theme and battle sequence share the same name, depicting an intense fight between Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul.

What is the Duel of the Fates.


Name the song.

Bonus: Name the artist.

What is Let's Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez


Which brand used this jingle?

What is Old Spice.


Which park is the Staten Island Zoo located alongside?

Bonus: How much is 1 Adult Ticket to the zoo?

What is Clove Lakes Park. It costs $8.00 for 1 Adult Ticket to the zoo.


In July of 1969, 2 astronauts became the first men to walk on the moon (allegedly). What were their names?

Bonus: What director is said to have filmed the "fake moon landing"?

Who is Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. A popular conspiracy theory states that director Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing.


In Die Hard, what is the name of the building John McClane must liberate from Hans Gruber's hostage takeover? 

What is Nakatomi Plaza.


Name the song.

Bonus: Name the artist.

What is Around the World by Daft Punk


Which brand used this jingle?

What is Six Flags.


Staten Island has the highest point on the east coast of the U.S. south of Maine. What is it called?

What is Todt Hill.


In 1986, while the world watched in horror, this space shuttle exploded before ever leaving the atmosphere, killing all 7 crew members. What was the name of the shuttle?

What is the Challenger.


In The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger travels back in time to kill an unsuspecting Sarah Connor. What model type of machine was he? (T-Series)

Bonus: What year did he travel back from?

What is the T-800. The Terminator traveled back from 2029 to 1984 to hunt down and eliminate Sarah Conner.


Name the song.

Bonus: Name the artist.

What is Dreams by The Cranberries


Which brand used this jingle?

What is Huggies.


Located off of Richmond Terrace, Snug Harbor is known for housing 2 recreational areas for both children and adults. Name the 2.

What is the Staten Island Children's Museum and the New York Chinese Scholar's Garden (will also accept Botanical Garden or Snug Harbor Chinese Garden)


In 1607, this became the first permanent English colony in the U.S.

Bonus: Who was the leader of this colony?

What is Jamestown. The leader of this colony was Captain John Smith.


In Interstellar, Miller's Planet is a water planet orbiting a supermassive black hole where time moves differently than that of Earth. How much time passes on Earth with just 1 hour passed on Miller's Planet?

Bonus: The soundtrack in the background sounds like a ticking clock. What does each tick represent throughout the scene?

What is 7 years. Each tick represents 1 day on Earth. 


Name the song.

Bonus: Name the artist. 

What is U.N.I.T.Y. by Queen Latifah


Which brand used this jingle?

What is Kia.


The Staten Island Ferry is one of the most popular tourist attractions we have to offer. It is also widely used by commuters working in the city. On an average weekday, about how many passengers cross to the other side or back?

What is 70,000 passengers on an average weekday.


Where was the first testing site of the atomic bomb done on July 16th, 1945?

Bonus: What was the site called?

What is New Mexico. The site itself was called the Trinity Site.


This famous Scorcese film marks an "X" in various parts of the frame whenever a character dies. 

What is The Departed.


Name the song.

Bonus: Name the artist.

What is You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette


Which brand used this jingle?

What is Maxwell House (will also accept Maxwell Coffee)


The Conference House is one of the oldest structures on Staten Island. During which conflict did the Staten Island Peace Conference take place?

What is The Revolutionary War.


In 1794, this tax was imposed by the government to help pay back the enormous debts incurred during the Revolutionary War. 

What is the Whiskey Tax.


In Lord of the Rings The Two Towers, during the Battle for Helms Deep, Legolas and Gimli have a competition to see who can kill the most Orcs/ Uruk-Hai. Who wins?

Bonus: How many kills does the winner finish with?

Who is Gimli. Gimli finishes with 43 and Legolas finishes with 42. Legolas then shoots the Uruk that Gimli is sitting on, claiming he was twitching. (In the book, Gimli wins fair and square and Legolas praises him for it, stating that he is just happy to see that Gimli made it out alive.)