Achy, Breaky Heart
Love in the Limelight
Rumor has it
The technical term for high blood pressure
What is hypertension?
The saint for whom Valentine's day is named.
Who is Saint Valentine?
The boy Katniss chooses at the end of The Hunger Games Hint: Team Peeta or Team Gale
Who is Peeta Mellark?
This item driven through a vampire's heart is rumored to be effective in killing it.
What is a wooden stake?
The Greek goddess of Love
Who is Aphrodite?
This amount of blood is pumped every minute.
What is 5 liters per minute?
This dazzingly white monument was erected in India as a memorial to Shah Jahan's third wife after she died while giving birth to their fourteenth child.
What is the Taj Mahal?
In this year, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie officially announced they were a couple creating the ever famous Brangelina.
When is 2006?
One method of killing a werewolf.
What is shooting a silver bullet to the heart?
Americans, on average, spend this amount of money for Valentine's Day per person every year.
What is $130?
This cardiovascular condition, involving plaque build-up in arteries, results in 380,000 deaths annually in the U.S.
What is coronary heart disease?
In this year, Valentine's Day cards were first mass-produced.
What is 1850?
This couple discovered polonium and radium together, along with later winning a Nobel Prize for Physics.
Who are Pierre and Marie Curie?
The length of this body part indicates how dominant/bossy someone will be in a relationship.
What is the second toe?
This is the per capita consumption of candy by Americans in 2005.
What is 25.7 pounds?
A fish has this many chambers in its heart.
What is 2?
The Roman god Cupid carries these two arrows around: one for uncontrollable desire and one for revulsion.
What are arrows with a sharp golden point and a blunt tip of lead?
Set during the Civil War Era, this couple's turbulent relationship can be found in Margaret Mitchell's most famous work.
Who are Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler?
This is an alleged method of predicting the gender of a child during the pregnancy stage.
What is measuring the heart rate of the baby? (140+ heart rate is female)
This monument, which no longer exists, was erected by King Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century B.C. to soothe his wife's homesickness.
What are The Hanging Gardens (of Babylon)?
In 1962, this person wrote the first mathematical model for cardiac cells.
Who is Denis Noble?
This ancient Roman Festival held from February 13th to February 15th is believed to be the origin of modern Valentine's Day.
What is Lupercalia?
This line from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous quotes of this play. Hint: Involves fusion (DOUBLE THE POINTS if you act out the scene)
What is "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." -Romeo
This game, originating in France, is used to determine whether or not the object of one's affections reciprocates the same feelings.
What is "(S)he loves me/loves me not?"
This poet once wrote "My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."
Who is William Shakespeare? (Romeo and Juliet )