In general, where are you supposed to punch towards to during poomsae when it comes to your body?
The Solar Plexus
This individual is the only person on the board who is in a fraternity
This kick is if not one of the most common and foundational kicks Sparring Athletes use.
Cut Kick
This is a person who's dream career is wanting to be a lawyer, and he always puts their energy on the mat no matter what.
Before any violation or point deduction, the referee does this signal first
Pointing at the fighter and re pointing again
This specific technique requires you to go into a front stance and downward-block continuing with a middle punch facing the judges.
Taegeuk 1
This individual is someone who is not only a fan of Star Wars, but a fan of CSGO
When Brian does this specific kick, it's game over
Back/Backside Kick
This individual, no matter where will say the most out of pocket thing regardless of where they are
When a fighter kicks below the belt, the referee will do this
putting their palm flat and touching their hip
I'm going to do a specific technique, and you have to immediately tell me from which form it's from
Taegeuk 8
This individual on the board is someone who is into cars and is in the F1 club on campus
This is a kick that requires a good amount of flexibility, a kick that can also refer to a specific shape of the moon
Crescent Kick
I promise you when it comes to Crumble Cookies, this person will have already eaten a box before you finished your sentence.
When a fighter goes out of the mat bounds, the referee does this signal
Flipping their palm from face down to face up
I would say this is the only form out of every single one to where you have to balance yourself on one leg for a long period of time, plus, theres no kicking involved
This individual on the board is someone who used to compete competitively on League of Legends
This is a kick I would consider Ashton to be very good at, a kick to where if this kick actually lands in a match, it will be the coolest thing you will ever see in your life (Hint?)
540 Kick
This individual does this iconic sound when they spar
I had this past mistake last year a lot to where I would grab my opponents during the match, so the referee would do this signal
Grabbing into themself opening and closing their fist
This technique has the same exact appearance to where you wanted to capture the perfect photo and you do this pose with your hands
This individual has always been the person to where if they are stressed, Purple Kow is the answer!
This kick can have the same name as a catastrophic event that happens in certain parts of the country that can cause damage to homes and environments
Tornado Kick
These two individuals bicker at each other in the most direct and out of pocket way in a way where if you wonder sometimes if their friendship is okay? (Hint?)
Sana and Chloe
If someone becomes salty during the match whether its the athlete or the athlete's coach, the referee would do this.
They would silence them with putting their finger infront of their lips telling them to shut up