Steps of Salah
Acts during Salah

Someone eats something unknowingly during salah, is their salah still valid and why?

No, eating or drinking unknowingly or knowingly breaks the salah.


Which hand should you use to rinse your nose during Wudu?

With the right hand


If a person says ‘yarhamukAllah’ to someone while praying is their prayer still valid?



If one cannot find water to do wudhu or ghusl, is it permissible to do Tayammum?



What is the awrah for males?

From the belly button to the knees


What does qiyam refer to in the prayer?



What step should you start with when you make wudu?

Make niyyah (intention)


Describe what ruku is

Ruku is to bow, You have to bow enough so that your hands touch your knees.


If there is some najasah/impurities on the material you want to use for Tayammum, can it be used?

No, the material must be pure/clean otherwise the Tayammum will not be valid.


The qiblah for Muslims is?

The Muslims’ qiblah is the Ka’bah in Makkah. Pray in the direction of the qiblah.


One of the conditions before performing salah is having a clean place. specifically what part of the floor should be clean during salah?

Specifically those parts of the body that touch the floor during salah


What are two makruh acts of wudu?

Wasting water, using too little water, talking unnecessarily during wudu, or to take help from someone else without an excuse.


What does the term the "mufsidat of salah" mean?

things that make the prayer invalid/ the invalidators of salah.


What is Tayammum also called?

Dry Wudu or Dry Ablution.


What is the first pillar of Islam?

The first pillar of Islam is the Shahada


Why is the first takbir in salah called takbir tahrimah?

Takbir tahrimah, means “the takbir that makes things haram”. Because everything that is not part of the salah become haram


What does doing a makruh act of wudu do to your wudu?

Doing a makruh act will make you lose the full reward of wudu, however your wudu will still be valid


Name 3 things that are breakers of Salah (that we shouldn't do):

  • Anything that breaks wudu

  • Talking or laughing

  • Mistakes related to the Quran

  • Unnecessary movements

  • Eating or drinking

  • Uncovering the awrah


What materials can be used to perform Tayammum?

Anything natural and from the earth such as soil, stone, sand or marble.


If a female is wearing make-up, what must she do before making wudhu?

Wash the make-up off then make wudhu


What is Qa’dah akhira?

The last sitting at the end of the prayer during tashahud.


What is the proper order for washing the arms, face, and feet?

Face, arms then feet


Name at least 2 times of the day when it is not allowed to perform any salah

  1. Sunrise during the time that the sun is rising. 

  2. Midday: the time when the sun is at its peak 

  3. Sunset during the time the sun is setting 


Name a prayer that can be prayed with Tayammum if a person fears that they will miss the prayer if they go to perform wudu?

  1. Eid prayer, if there is no other Eid prayer and

  2. Janazah prayer.


What does sunnah mu’akkhadah mean?

Emphasised sunnah


Name the seven conditions we must make sure are met before we can begin salah.

  1. Right time 

  2. Right niyyah (intention)

  3. Awrah covered

  4. Facing qiblah 

  5. Clean place 

  6. Clean clothes 

  7. Clean body 


What are the 4 fard acts of wudu?

Washing the face from hairline to the bottom of the chin and ear to ear

Washing the arms including the elbows

Wiping a quarter of the head

Washing both feet including the ankles three times


Name at least two times of the day when it is makruh or disliked to perform any salah

  • between the beginning of fajr time and performing fair salah, other than the two sunnah of fajr 

  • After the fard of fajr salah until sunrise 

  • After the fard of asr salah until sunset 


What breaks Tayammum?

  • Anything that breaks wudu

  • If water becomes available/ if a person can now use water when they couldn’t previously


Name 4 different types of rulings.

  1. Sunnah

  2. Fard

  3. Mubah

  4. Nafl

  5. Wajib

  6. Makruh

  7. Haram


Name the six conditions during Salah (without any of these six Salah is not valid)

  • Takbir Tahrimah (First takbir)

  • Qiyam (Standing)

  • Qira’ah (Recitation) 

  • Ruku (Bowing)

  • Sajdah (Prostration)

  • Qa’dah akhirah (last sitting)


Provide the full sunnah method steps of performing wudu

  • Making intention

  • Say Bismillah

  • Wash hands 3x

  • Rinse mouth 3x

  • Clean Nose

  • Wash face 3x

  • Wash arms 3x

  • Wipe head, ears, back of the neck

  • Wash feet 3x


Name all 7 parts of the body that should touch the ground during sajdah

  • Forehead and nose (count as one) 

  • Two knees

  • Two hands

  • Both feet


What are the two main acts or steps of Tayammum after making intention?

1)Striking the earth and wiping the face. 

2)Striking the earth and wiping the forearms.


Name 4 benefits of Salah

  • Salah maintains a continuous and direct link with Allah.

  • Salah promotes discipline in life.

  • Salah creates awareness of Allah.

  • Salah protects believers from evil and bad deeds

  • Salah strengthens belief.

  • Salah is a great investment for the Hereafter.

  • Salah cleans us from sins

  • Provides peace and comfort through belief

  • Establishes equality and fellowship