60% of the Representaive Assembly
A Quorum
Limited to 20 minutes
A call to end debate/discussion.
What is to call the question?
To gain the attention of the meeting
What is Point of order?
February 1876
What is the publication date of the of the 1st edition of Roberts Rules?
75% of the members in attendance at the Representative Assembly
What is required to veto an action of the Board of Directors?
Elected member who presides over the meeting
Who is the Chair(President)?
To fix a rearrange, correct, or fix a previously stated motion.
What is to Amend a motion?
End of debate/discussion
What is to call the question?
At Church.
Where was Robert embarrassed at?
Ensuring the opinion of the minority is heard with TAHPERD meetings
What is the purpose of Roberts Rules?
50% plus 1 is required for the transaction of business
In most cases what is the percentage of Board of Directors present to constitute a quorum?
A motion coming out of a committee.
When is a second is not needed for a motion to be considered?
Only after a motion has been properly made, seconded, and placed on the floor by the Chair(President).
When is discussion allowed?