Who is the current Prime Minister for Samoa?
Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa
Pick one person in your team to do the pukana
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
Sing one verse from the Pese Lotu
Completed: Award 100 points
Incomplete: Other team chance to steal points
What is the uniform we will be wearing for lotu tupulaga
black ie and white top
What is the biggest island in Samoa?
How many official languages does NZ have?
3 ( Maori, English & Sign Langauge)
True or False: Jesus stayed away from people with bad reputations?
False. He often ate with “sinners.”
Name at least 1 of the 5 EFKS highschools
Leulumoega Fou College
Maluafou College
Nuuausala College
Papauta Girls College
Tuasivi College
Leulumeoga School of fine Arts.
What is the first 2 lines of the pese savaili?
We put on the whole armor of The King
So that we can stand and
fight against the enemy
How many districts in Samoa?
What is the Maori term for chief?
Besides preaching, name an activity Jesus did while traveling in Galilee
Healing the sick and casting out demons.
How many churches in our Pulega?
Whats the next line ... How can it be that you love the most unlovable part of me, of me?
How could you see your life was the only gift I'll ever need to be free?
Name at least 3 districts in Samoa.
1. Tuamasaga
2. Aʻana
3. Aiga-i-le-Tai
4. Atua
5. Vaʻa-o-Fonoti
On Savaiʻi
6. Faʻasaleleaga
7. Gagaʻemauga
8. Gagaʻifomauga
9. Vaisigano
10. Satupaʻitea
11. Palauli
Completed: Award team 400 points
Incomplete: Team loses 100 points
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
John 11:35 Jesus wept.
What year did the EFKS establish the first printing press in Samoa?
What is the theme for this years Lotu Tupulaga?
Fai pei ona ou faia, ae le pei ona ou fai atu!
Do as I do, not as I say!
Upu faaaloalo mo le talo
Whole team sing a Maori waiata for 1 min.
Completed: Award team 500 points
Incomplete: Team loses 200 points
What is the 7th commandment?
You shall not commit adultery.
When was Malua Theological College established?
The whole team to sing 1 verse of the pese savaili
Completed: Award 500 points
Incomplete: Deduct 200 points