This is a household with an annual income no greater than 30% of the area median family income- adjusted by household size.
What is referred to as
ELI-Extremely Low Income?
What is the Department of Housing and Urban Development?
What is the individual funding limit for the Olmstead Transition and Diversion Program?
This is a participant who receives at least one day paid for by Medicaid.
What is MFP eligible?
180 days.
What is the goal number of days TMH sets from the start of assessment and planning to transition?
This must be completed before a participant can transition into their own home or apartment.
What is a Housing Assessment?
What is the Public Housing Agency?
A person who is eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
What is “dually eligible”?
This is the requirement to be qualified for the Take Me Home Transition Program.
What are 60 consecutive days in a facility and likely eligible for the waiver program, and have, or wish to transition, to a home?
(Discussion this is 60 consecutive days in the facility, which could include nursing home and hospital. Medicaid does not have to be in place prior to intake being qualified. They do have to be waiver Medicaid eligible prior to transition)
How many days TMH allows from the date of intake qualified to the start of assessment and planning.
What is 90 days?
The dollar amount provided to residents to help them pay their utilities bills in public housing.
What is UA- Utility Allowance?
What is the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program?
These are two waiver service delivery models.
What are Self-Directed and Traditional?
What is 65 or older?
Three (3) business days from the end of the pay period.
What is when mileage reimbursement requests must be submitted to your supervisor?
(Discussion-supervisor should have it reviewed and submitted to Metro for processing within 5 days of completion)
Section 202/811
What are housing assistance programs for elderly and people with disabilities?
What is Home and Community-Based Services?
A participant has a $4500.00 budget to be utilized for the following items: assistive technology; specialized medical equipment; transportation; and miscellaneous transition support services.
What are MFP CTS (community transition services)?
What is the SSI Income Cap limit for Waiver for 2024?
These are the requirements to request an expedited waiver application.
What are having a home to return to and informal supports available?
A change, adaptation, or modification to a policy, program, service, or workplace which allows a qualified person with a disability to participate fully in a program, take advantage of a service, or perform a job.
What is a reasonable accommodation?
What is the West Virginia Incident Management System?
A participant has a $4000.00 budget to be utilized for the following items: home modification; home furnishings/essential household items; moving expenses; rental security deposits; utility deposits; and transition support.
What is Waiver CTS (community transition services)?
On March 31, 2022, CMS granted increased reimbursement rate of a 100% federal match for these services that include housing, food, and clothing assistance.
What are MFP Supplemental Services?
365 days.
What is the amount of time that a Transition Coordinator follows an individual on MFP after transition?