Food Chains
Endangered Species
Saving the Rain Forest
Recycle, Reuse, and Reduce

Why do Gila monsters live in the hot desert?

Gila monsters are cold-blooded animals and need the desert heat to survive.


What is a food chain?

A food chain is the plants and animals in an ecosystem.


Why is the giant armadillo endangered?

The giant armadillo is endangered because its home in the rain forest is almost gone.


How did the Swedish school class help save the rainforest? 

The Swedish school class helped save the rainforest by raising money and buying acres of the rainforest.


How does garbage in landfills harm the Earth?

Garbage in landfills leak chemicals into the water, soil, and air which can harm plants, animals, and people.


Why do moose live in northern forests?

Moose live in northern forests because of the cool weather, lots of water, and woody plants.


Why do food chains always begin with plants?

Food chains always begin with plants because plants use sunlight to make their own food.


What is an endangered species?

An endangered species is a species that can disappear from earth.


What were 2 ways the Swedish children made money?

The Swedish children made money by putting on shows and fairs. 


How many aluminum cans do most Americans use each year?

Most Americans use 350 aluminum cans each year.


What are habitats?

Habitats are the places where animals and plants live.


Animals can't make their own food, so what do they eat?

Animals eat insects and other animals.


What happens as the Amazon rain forest is cut down?

When the Amazon rain forest is cut down it causes many animal species to become extinct.


How else did the Swedish children make money?

The Swedish children made and sold books and tapes about the rainforest.


How does recycling aluminum cans help the Earth?

Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for 3 hours. 


What is an ecosystem?

An ecosystem is the larger area that includes habitats for many animals and plants.


What forms a food chain?

A food chain is formed with sunlight, plants, and animals.


Where do the world's largest giant armadillos live? 

The world's largest armadillos live in the Amazon rainforest.


How many acres of rainforest did the Swedish children buy?

The Swedish children bought more than 2,000 acres of rainforest.


How are batteries harmful to Earth?

Chemicals from batteries can be harmful to Earth.


What does an ecosystem include?

An ecosystem includes all the plants, animals, and non-living natural things such as rocks and soil in an area. 


What can cause a food chain to break down?

A food chain can break down when new animals invade an ecosystem.


What is one way a species can become endangered?

Species can become endangered when their habitats are destroyed.


How did the Swedish children inspire others?

The Swedish children inspired children from other countries to join in and buy more than 33,000 acres of the rainforest.


How can recycling, reusing, and reducing help the environment

When we recycle, reuse, and reduce, there is less garbage to harm the Earth.