Getting ready
Taking the test and types of tests
Types of questions
Test anxiety
Academic Honesty and Misconduct

True or False? Sleeping late and avoiding reviewing  before a test/exam is an effective method.

False, it is good to review notes before an exam.


True or False? You should always start with the hard questions or math problems on a test/exam

False, they tend to take longer and that might rob you of sufficient time. Ultimately, leading to answering to fewer questions/equations and most of the time they are worth the same points.


True or False? The best strategy for essay question is to write down anything you know, ensuring you have long and general answer.

False, it is important to have cohesive, organized and focused answer. 


True or False? Test anxiety could manifest as physical symptoms?

True, sweaty palms, going blank, hyperventilation, heart beat, nausea, headache. 


True or False? You are allowed to submit the same piece of paper in different courses as long as is your work.

False, it is self-plagarism.


When does your preparation for test/exam begins?

In the very first day of your term.


True or False? Exams during the first year of college are tougher compared to those in subsequent years.

True, because student are still adapting to the college life and learning the academic test-taking skills.


Why is it good to be familiar with the key task words in essay?

Because it helps you to organize and organize your answer more precisely. 


What are some effective coping strategies for test anxiety? 

Deep breathing, good posture, stretching, positive visualization, and time management techniques.


True or False? You do not need to cite yourself for an idea from your previous work on paper you already submitted.

False, you should always cite.


Your lectures, notes and homework are part of....?

Preparation for the test/exam


True or False? Open-book test and open-note tests are easier.

False, they are harder. You do not have enough time to read whole passages. Often students think they do not have to prepare as any other exam. This could easily lead to confusion when searching for relevant information with the time constraint.


Name 3 of the key task words in essay quesions?

Analyze, Compare, Contrast, Critique, define, describe, discuss, evaluate, explain, justify, narrate, outline, summarize.


How does test anxiety affect academic performance?

Impaired concentration, could lead to procrastination, negative self-talk.


What are the consequences of plagiarism?

Faling, suspension, law suite.


True or False? Tutoring is for failing students to help them save their grate.

False, tutoring is for everyone. Students who receive tutoring often perform well in their courses.


What should you avoid doing in problem-solving tests?

Shortcuts - it is important to document all the steps you took while solving the problem in order to get full credit for your work.


True or False? Fill-in-the-blank questions tend to be easier.

False, they tend to harder because you have to indicate the missing word and it is likely you do not have the answers to choose from.


True or False? If you have test anxiety it will occurs during every exam.

False, test anxiety is often situational, could also occur only during high stakes exams.


True or False? When paraphrasing you do not need to use a source.

False, you should always use a source


What are the 4 strategies that would help you excel in math and science classes?

-Consistently complete your homework

- Attend all classes 

-build a review guide throughout the term.

-learn definitions and formulas


If you finish the test early, what should you do with the remaining time?

Review your answers, double-check instructions.


In True/False questions the terms often and frequently, what do they suggest for the statement?

These are less defined terms and they suggest that probably the statement is true.


What should you do if you have severe test anxiety?

Seek help from you college's counseling services .


True or False? When summarizing, you do not use a source because it is your own idea.

False, while it is your own idea, the key points you have obtained from other text and the ideas of the authors should be acknowledged.