What is the difference between the transitional approach and immersion approaches to education?
Transitional Approach: uses the native language as a bridge to English language instruction. Academic subjects are first taught using the native language, but progressively students transition to English, their new language. Immersion Approach: instruction is mostly in English and has a "sink or swim" approach.
It is the act of alternating between 2+ languages or language varieties in a single communication context. It involves a conscious and strategic choice to alternate between languages.
What is code-switching?
The idea that disability is not just a medical condition, but something society creates through its attitudes, policies, and infrastructure.
What is disability as a social construct?
Law that gives eligible children with disabilities, the availability to obtain a free public education.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
When an individual/group of people are given the same resources or opportunity.
What is equality?
What is the difference between asset-based and deficit-based views on language?
What are the differences between code-switching and translanguaging?
Translanguaging is more of a fluid transition, while code switching is a deliberate and intentional (structured) change between one language to another.
What are the differences between the medical and social models of disability?
What are the benefits of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model?
What do multiple means of expression allow students to do?
It allows them to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge in diverse ways (writing, speaking, or creating multimedia presentation).