Olene Walker
TAL Funds
What is...
Pros & Cons
True or False

How do you apply to college or trade school and what documents do you need?

The application itself is usually basic information, and maybe some short-answer questions.

You will definitely need (at minimum):

Transcripts from high school

Proof of ward document


If you're applying to a school with a holistic review process, it's a great idea to submit a personal statement.


What is the Pell Grant?

A grant from the federal government for college or trade school that low-income people can receive


What is ETV?

Educational Training Voucher. A program set up by the federal government for foster care alumni. Every state has ETV funds, so if you move, you can still access it.


What is WIOA?

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, a federal program that helps people connect to the workforce.


What is the Olene Walker Scholarship?

A Utah scholarship for students at Utah's 2- and 4-year schools who have been impacted by foster care.


What are TAL funds?

Transition to Adult Living funds


What is a major? What are credits? 

Your main focus of study at a 2-year or 4-year school. It is a cluster of courses designed to help you specialize in a particular topic.

Each class you take is worth a number of credits (usually 3-4). To graduate, you need to accumulate a certain # of credits. These are a mix of general education requirements and courses in your major.


Name two pros to consider about trade school


Shorter time period to complete--you can get to work sooner!; inexpensive and can often be paid for; sometimes you will be paid to apprentice while you complete the program; some trades are in high demand and you will always have work available; some trades pay great right after graduating and over the long-term.


Limits your ability to switch into a different career or try different fields (to do so, likely you would need to return to school); narrow scope of learning instead of strong foundation in writing, math and critical thinking; may have lower earnings potential over the long-term


You need to go to school right away


Healing is important! 

It's harder on your mental health and finances to start school and fail classes than it is to take time off to heal before you begin. Check in with yourself: does the idea of school get you excited or fill you with dread?

It is also OK to take time off between semesters. Education journeys can be life-long and not a straight line.

Note: many sources of school funding for foster care alumni don't apply to people older than age 26


What is open enrollment?

When all applicants with a high school diploma or GED are accepted.


How much is the full Pell Grant?

Over $7,000 each year for a full-time student.


Who can get ETV?

Students who were in foster care at age 16 or after, and whose cases ended by aging out or adoption/guardianship. 

You can receive ETV up to age 26.


How can WIOA help?

The program offers many opportunities including financial aid, cash completion for programs, assistance finding a job, drivers education courses and getting a driver's license


How do you get the Olene Walker Scholarship?

Apply by October 15th (to receive funding in spring semester) and April 15th (to receive funding in fall semester).

Application can be found through 1999 Collective website.


Who can get TAL funds?

Youth in foster care ages 14-21 and foster care alumni ages 18-23 who aged out or who were adopted/placed in guardianship after age 16.


What is a trade degree or certificate?

A trade school / technical school is designed to train students for a specific job in a skilled trade career. Most importantly, a trade school offers hands-on training to prepare students for actual work in their chosen field. Trade school programs are concentrated entirely on relevant job training, which is different from 2-year or 4-year colleges that typically require general education courses, such as English or Biology.


Name two pros to consider of 2-year school


Much less expensive than a 4-year school: SLCC = $4,257 and the UU = $9,400; tuition and fees can often be paid for through the Pell grant; gives a great foundation in math, English and critical thinking and can also provide an employable skill; credits can be transferred to a 4-year school; many schools provide great supports; can give you time to explore fields of study.


True or false: you are guaranteed to get a well-paying job as soon as you graduate with a bachelor's degree.


While a bachelor's degree may mean you are more likely to make more money over the course of your life, you may not start out this way right after graduation:

The median earnings for early career bachelor’s degree recipients ranged from $32,100 a year (early childhood education majors) to $62,000 (computer science majors). By the time graduates have reached mid-career, median earnings ranged from $41,000 to $95,000.

This also depends heavily on your major! 




What does FAFSA stand for? 

FAFSA = Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Everyone should fill it out when it opens (usually Oct 1; this year December)

Anyone who was in foster care after their 13th birthday qualifies to receive the full Pell Grant through FAFSA. The full Pell Grant is just over $7,000 per year. This covers the tuition/fees of many (but not all) schools and certificates in Utah.

You will need your Proof of Ward document to ensure you receive the Pell Grant.


What does the Pell Grant pay for? How and when will I receive the Pell grant money?

The Pell Grant will be paid to my school at the beginning of fall semester and at the beginning of spring semester (summer too, if you take summer classes). I will be able to see the Pell Grant credited to my school account on my tuition page. 

If my tuition is already paid for, the Pell Grant will be refunded to me. Meaning, I'll get a check in the mail and can use the money for whatever I need.

Pro tip: Put any extra money you receive toward rent!


How do you get ETV?

Apply to WIOA through DWS at

The WIOA worker that processes your WIOA application will connect you to the ETV program. 


How do you get WIOA?


How and when do you get Olene Walker funds?

For each month you are in school, you're awarded money onto a debit card. Money is reloaded onto the card every month that the student successfully meets with their Olene Walker mentor.

Funds can be used for tuition, housing, books and basic living expenses.


How much in TAL funds can each person receive?

Up to $5,000 per year.


What is JobCorps?

A tuition-free federal program for low-income youth ages 16-24 that trains you in a skilled trade. You live on-campus (Utah's JobCorps center is in Clearfield) and they pay for your housing, meals, basic health care and a small allowance. They assist you in finding a job and transitioning into your career once you graduate.


Name two pros to consider for a 4- year school


Strong support programs at the school; great campus life and ability to meet new people; can explore different fields of study; strong education; with the degree, you can often move between careers after graduation; on-campus housing


True or False: You can't get a degree at a trade school.


Based on the trade, you might get a degree. Plenty of trade jobs do not require degrees, they require certifications, which trade schools do offer.

Also, many 2-year schools offer degrees in a trade as part of your associate's.