TALT Fun Facts
Where In The Mars World
More TALT Fun Facts
Canada Connect Eh
Musical Movie Martians

These 3 leaders are middle-of-the-road extroverts with introvert tendencies

Who are Anthony, Carrie and Liz


In 1940, this city is where the first M&M factory was located to produce M&M plain chocolate candies now home to MW NA

Where is Newark NJ


These 4 leaders own at least one dog (goldendoodle, beagle, cocker spaniels, golden retriever, black lab)

Who are Anthony, Carrie, Kim and Liz


This NBA team won it's first NBA Championship in 2019 and is one of two NBA teams based in Canada

Who are the Toronto Raptors


Country tops the TALT charts for these 3 leaders

Who are Anthony, Liz and Kim


These 3 leaders walk / workout to unwind after work

Who are Alex, Carrie, and Kim


These 3 leaders were born and raised in either Liverpool England, Ontario Canada or Mexico City MX

Who are Alex, Carrie, and Emilio


These 4 leaders enjoy learning so much, they spent Mo Money for Mo Education (MBA/MS)

Who are Anthony, Carrie, Emilio and Liz


Growing up these 2 leaders played in "a league of their own" (baseball/softball)

Who are Anthony and Carrie


"Hey Mr DJ - play me that song" would be this leader's calling if their hobby became a career

Who is DJ Alex!


These 2 leaders once worked in the amusement theme park industry

Who are Drew (Six Flags) and Kim (Disney)


In 1981, this leader's dream job as an astronaut would make history taking M&Ms as the first candy into space

Who is Anthony


These 4 leaders lived life in other lands (France, Italy, Germany, Thailand, Switzerland)

Who are Alex, Emilio, Kim and Liz


This baseball team won two World Series titles back-to-back (1992-93) and is the only professional MLB team in Canada

Who are the Toronto Blue Jays


These 2 leaders enjoy a good Romantic-Comedy and wine for their date with Netflix

Who are Kim and Liz


These 2 leaders dream job would be to open up a chic restaurant and wine bar together

Who are Emilio (chef) and Liz (winery)


These 2 leaders would pack up their American family, 4 dogs and 5 cats to move to Argentina for a year

Who are Liz & Anthony


These 4 leaders studied and learned francais in school

Who are Carrie, Drew, Emilio and Kim


If cooking was a sport, these 2 leaders would take home the gold bouillon cubes

Who are Carrie and Emilio


These 2 leaders dreams come true making music as a professional musician and singer duo

Who are Alex (musician) and Kim (Broadway singer/neurosurgeon)


This team supports Cancer Research Foundations (Cal's Angels, Terry Fox, American Cancer Society, Komen), MIND, ChildFund Mexico, UNICEF and Anti-Cruelty Society

Who is the Talent Acquisition Leadership Team


Mars entered the rice category in 1942 and opened its first commercial rice plant here where 1 leader was born many (many) decades later

Where is Houston TX


In 2021, this team is looking forward to staying healthy to see family, friends, & co-workers while bringing the TA strategy to life through performance improvement.

Who is the TALT


This NHL hockey team in Canada has won more Stanley Cup titles than any other team

Who are the Montreal Canadiens (24)


These 2 leaders will listen to classical music one hour and house music the next

Who are Drew and Emilio