Who is the kings of all gods?
Who does Hades fall in love with?
Who is Orpheus married to?
Who is Zeus trying to hide from?
Hera his wife.
Who is the god of agriculture?
Why does Demeter wear black clothes?
Because she is sad that her daughter was taken by Hades without her permission.
How does Eurydice die?
She is bitten by a poisonous snake.
Who does Narcissus fall in love with?
With his reflection.
Who is Zeus' brother and married his niece?
What does Escalaphus (the owl) see Persephone do in the underworld garden?
Eat 7 pomegranate seeds
Who is Kayron?
He takes dead people across the River Styx to the underworld.
How does Hera punish 'Echo'?
She cannot speak or sing normally anymore, she can only echo people's last words.
Who is the god that cried at Orpheus's love songs?
What decision do Demeter and Hades come to about Persephone?
Demeter gets Persephone for 9 months and Hades gets her for 3 months.
Why does Hades give Orpheus permission to see his wife?
How does Narcissus die?
By not eating and being with his reflection all day. He becomes thin.
Who is the God of the sun?
How does the greek tale Persephone explain the seasons in a year?
When Persephone is with Demeter, Earth goes through spring to fall. When Persephone is with Hades, it is winter.
What are the conditions Hades gives to Orpheus to see his wife?
Orpheus must play his lyre and Eurydice must follow the sound. He can't turn around to look at her. When he passes the gates, Eurydice must stand in the sun for a full minute before he can turn around to look at her.
What does Aphrodite do with Narcissus' body?
She makes a flower from his body.