Trick or Treat Yo' Self
Pumpkin Spice
& Everything Nice
Monsters in the Mind
Scary Good
Coping Skills
Ghosts of Fall Past

It's the art of being fully present in the moment.

What is Mindfulness?


The change of color in leaves during fall is caused by the reduced production of this pigment in trees.

What is chlorophyll?


This mental health condition, often compared to a vampire draining energy, is marked by persistent sadness and lack of interest.

What is depression?


This coping strategy involves breaking a big, scary task into smaller, more manageable steps.

What is chunking?


This ancient Celtic festival was a celebration marking the end of the harvest season.

What is Samhain?


This practice of prioritizing healthy limits in relationships and commitments, like protecting one’s own magical energy.

What is setting boundaries?


This fall festival, which started in Munich, Germany, is the largest beer festival in the world, and it's typically celebrated in early October.

What is Oktoberfest?


This 'ghost' of a feeling can haunt you with excessive worry and fear, even when no immediate danger is present.

What is anxiety?


This therapeutic technique encourages individuals to face their fears directly, much like walking into a haunted house.

What is exposure therapy?


This eerie 19th-century device, used in Victorian séances, was said to communicate with spirits.

What is a Ouija board?


This neurotransmitter, often called the 'happy hormone,' is released when we engage in self-care activities.

What is serotonin?


This type of tree, known for its stunning red and orange foliage in the fall, is also famous for producing syrup.

What is the sugar maple?


This condition, marked by extreme mood swings is often referred to as 'the rollercoaster of emotions,' likened to battling the fiercest monsters.

What is bipolar disorder?


This term refers to the mental process of challenging irrational or distorted thoughts, like confronting a spooky specter.

What is cognitive restructuring (or reframing)?


This festival is an important part of Mexican culture and focuses on remembering and honoring loved ones.

What is Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?


Doing this simple act of kindness for yourself can boost your mental well-being, just like giving a treat to someone else.

What is self-compassion/Grace?


This fruit, which ripens in fall and is often used in Thanksgiving pies, grows in bogs and is harvested by flooding the fields.

What are cranberries?


Like zombies, people with this condition may feel disconnected from reality, as though they are watching life from a distance.

What is dissociation?


This technique involves taking a break to stretch or move your body, helping to shake off the cobwebs.

What is physical movement (or taking a movement break)?


This traditional Japanese festival, known as the 'Festival of the Dead,' includes honoring deceased ancestors with food and lanterns.

What is Obon?


This Japanese concept of 'finding beauty in imperfection' is often applied to self-acceptance in mental health.

What is wabi-sabi?


This constellation, most visible in the Northern Hemisphere during autumn, contains the famous star cluster known as the "Seven Sisters".

What is Taurus?


This 'brain fog' condition, often seen as a monster that saps energy, is a common symptom of depression or anxiety.

What is cognitive impairment (or brain fog)?


This coping strategy involves finding three good things that happened in your day, which can be difficult when haunted by negativity.

What is the 'Three Good Things' exercise?


This fall harvest celebration, originating from West Africa, focuses on family, community, and gratitude.

What is Yam Festival (or New Yam Festival)?