Ellen Ochoa
NASA Training
Up in Space
Something done with knowledge or skill; achievements; successes....
What are "accomplishments"?
In the story, Ochoa stated that her mother passed this on to her.
What was her love of learning?
It is the reason that NASA training is harder than the actual missions.
What is to prepare the astronauts to handle any problems?
To be an astronaut and go into space, you must be able to enjoy these two things...
What is to work well with others and love science?
The photographs add to the selection because they show this.
What is the important equipment that the astronauts use?
A part that is played; a behavior shown to others; a purpose
What is a "role"?
Ochoa's main point in talking about her own experiences in school was to tell the reader to ....
What is to change their mind if they wished?
Once an astronaut like Ellen Ochoa is accepted into the program this happens next...
What is that they train for three years or more before going on a mission?
To prove statements of fact about the space program, we could use these reference sources...
What is an encyclopedia or a biography of different astronauts?
The author's primary purpose for writing this selection was to...
What is to teach readers about Ellen Ochoa's experiences?
A force that makes things fall to the ground.
What is "gravity"?
It is the reason that Ellen Ochoa did not even think about being an astronaut when she was a child.
What is because she knew women had never been astronauts?
NASA did not select any women to become future astronauts until this year.
What is 1978?
In the story, Ochoa compares weightlessness to doing these two activities.
What are swimming and scuba diving?
Other than the aerial photographs, if the author chose to use other graphic sources for the text, these would be very helpful...
What are photos with captions or diagrams with labels explaining the tools and their uses?
A central point of attraction or main point of interest...
What is a "focus"?
Ellen Ochoa was different from other astronauts in this way.
What is that she was the first Hispanic-American female to go into space?
Many astronauts, like Ochoa, are trained to perform this special operation on Space Shuttle missions.
What is operate the robotic arm?
To prevent the astronauts from floating in their sleep, they use these.
What are sleeping bags attached by hooks in special compartments of the shuttle?
The most likely reason that this selection was written as an interview between Ochoa and fifth grade students was to...
What is to make it interesting for fifth graders to read what other students their own age said and how they interviewed an astronaut?
Particular points, reasons, or details...
What are "specifics"?
From the selection, we can tell that Ochoa felt this way about being an astronaut.
What is confident and excited?
According to Ochoa and most NASA astronauts, this is the riskiest part of the flight because it is where most things can go wrong.
What is the launch?
In order to eat in space, most food is comes this way.
What is freeze-dried?
It is the one way Ochoa stated that she communicates with her family when she is on a space mission.
What is by e-mail?