This counselor can touch her tongue to her nose
Who is Linoy Dar Mishal?
This counselor broke her wrist doing too many cartwheels in 4th grade
This counselor ate a whole onion one time because of a bet
Who is Gabe Freedman
This counselor was responsible for the death of Nadav's rooster
Who is Evan Levine?
This staff members cat gave birth on top of her
Who is Katie Lichter?
This counselor's dad was neighbors with Drake
Who is Abby Israel?
This counselor owned Nicholas Cages hamsters
This counselors grandma cooked for Golda Meir
Who is Cody Hunter?
This counselor has five dogs
Who is Jonas Kannady?
This staff member's grandma went to Sofia Vergara's wedding
Who is Ella Rockoff?
This counselor has a blankie
Who is Sarah Hochhauser?
This counselor has a kazoo collection
Who is Brenna Lake?
This counselor was in a Ragu sauce commercial and a house renovation show in the same year.
Who is Eli Barron?
This counselor almost fell into the grand canyon
Who is Div Lowentritt?
This staff member has seen Jimmy Buffet in concert four times
Who is Nina Jalenak
This counselor is allergic to cantaloupe
Who is Abby Israel?
This counselor was in stranger things season four
Who is Brenna Lake?
This counselor is distantly related to MLB all-star Roy Oswalt
Who is Gabe Freedman?
This counselor will throw up if they read a book in a car
Who is Evan Levine?
This staff member was hit by a streetcar
Who is Ana Finger?
This counselor has a doll that she's slept with since she was a baby
Who is Linoy Dar Mishal?
This counselor did a TedX talk
Who is Hanni Gerowin?
This counselor weighed 10 lbs at birth
Who is Eli Barron?
This counselor was afraid of riding bikes until the age of 10
Who is Div Lowentritt?
This staff member rear ended their U.S. senators wife
Who is Ella Rockoff?