Plot 1
Plot 2


direct comparison between two unlike things


"Thus I have politicly begun by reign, and its my hope to end successfully. My falcon now is sharp and passing empty, and til she stoop, she must not be full gorged, for then she never looks upon her lure."



How do we see the theme of manipulation in this act?

Petruchio manipulates Katherine first by refusing to provide her with food or sleep. He then says the improper time, but then again claims the moon is the sun and the old man is a young girl until she agrees with. Teaching her that whatever he says she needs to agree with. 


What happened to Katherine on her way to Petruchio's house?

She fell off her horse and Petruchio did not help her up. 


Who arrives frist to Petruchio's house to bid the servants to prepare a fire for Petruchio's arrival




implied comparison between two unlike things


"Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, and be it moon, or sun, or what you please. And if you please to call it a rush candle, henceforth I vow it shall be so for me."

Katherine - sarcastically agreeing with Petruchio 


How is the theme of marriage mainly portrayed in the play? 

1. Marriage is a close bond with two people to try and solve problems that life throws at you 

2. Marriage is a balancing of power between two people in which the man is the head of house  

2. Marriage is a balancing of power between two people in which the man is the head of house (in this time)  


What comparable simile/metaphor is made by Petruchio about Katherine and his method of taming her?

He claims he will tame her "like an animal" he uses falcon imagery to say that she will starve until she is "passing gentle" meaning until Katherine can pass for a acceptable society gentlewoman. 


Who does Petruchio and Katherine meet on the way back to Padua?



Situational Irony

when the opposite of what we expect to happen actually happens


"Say as he says, or we will never go." This character's quote allows Katherine to realize the "game" that Petruchio has been playing. 



How do we see the theme of power dynamics in Act 3?

- Petruchio's behavior towards Katherine

- Petruchio's and Katherine's behavior towards the servants


Hortensio marries this woman

The widow


Who is dressed up as Vincentio?


Verbal Irony

when the opposite is said from what is intended


Identify the speaker of the following AND identify one literary device used. 

"Pardon, old father, my mistaking eyes that have been so bedazzled with the sun that everything I look on seemeth green. Now I perceive thou art a reverend father. Pardon, I pray thee, for my mad mistaking." 


Metaphor - she is coming the sun that "bedazzled" her eyes to Petruchio who is the one who makes everything seem so young


how do we see the theme of illusion vs reality in this act?

Tranio dressed as Lucentio 

 Lucentio disguised as Cambio to get closer to Bianca

Merchant dressed as Vincentio

Petruchio's behavior towards Katherine - he doesn't truly act like this, only in his quest to tame her

Katherine sarcastic agreement with Petruchio - she is only playing the game to get what she wants


At the end of Act 4, Biondello tells Lucentio what: 

That everything is set for Lucentio and Bianca to elope


Petruchio tells the tailor to not be insulted and he will pay for the clothes after pitching a loud fit about the quality and the make of the clothes because:

He truly doesn't mean what he is saying. He is only saying it to enrage/tame Katherine into agreeing with him and giving her the worst clothes to wear. 


Dramatic Irony

when the audience knows part of the plot that the characters do not


"It shall be sever ere I go to horse. Look what I speak, or do, or think to do, you are still crossing it. -Sirs, let 't alone. I will not go today, and ere I do, it shall be what o'clock I say it is."



How do we see the theme of social class in Act 3?

Those that are servants are "less educated" - Grumio is a prime example as he is there purely for dumb jokes with wordplay

The servants are treated very poorly as casualties in Petruchio's attempts to tame Katherine


Explain in full detail Lucentio and Tranio's plan in order to allow Bianca and Lucentio to marry - this might be information from previous to act 4. 

- Lucentio dresses as Cambio while Tranio is dresed as Lucentio

- While Lucentio is getting closer to Bianca as her tutor, Tranio is convincing Baptista to let "him" (Lucentio) marry Bianca. -Baptista says he needs Lucentio's fathers assurance of his wealth, or Gremio gets to marry her. Tranio and Lucentio find a Merchant, convince him that it's to dangerous in Padua for him b/c theres a war between Mantua and Padua and he needs to disguise himself as Vincentio who just so happens to be there to make assurances for his son to marry Bianca. 

- Baptista agrees with marriage and "lucentio" is allowed to marry Bianca. 


How are Petruchio's methods for controlling Katherine similiar to Stockholm Syndrome

Petruchio forces Katherine to become dependent on him by depriving her of sleep and food and getting her to agree with everyting he says in order to recieve any "reward" like going back to Padua