When did the tang rule China?
What Chinese warlord who was put to death lived in this time?
Yue Fei
Emperor yingzong gained the throne at what age?
what is the largest country?
In feet, what is the tallest building in America?
One World Trade Center-1776 feet
How many people lived in China when a consensus was taken in 609?
50 million
What architecture was the song known for?
emperor hongwu established what to spy on his people?
a secret police
what country has the most obese people?
American Samoa
What is the highest GPA ever recorded?
What did the Tang rebuild lots of?
The Great Wall of China
What was the capital of the southern song?
How long did the forbidden city take to build? How many workers?
15 years and 1 million workers
What is the highest a video game has ever been sold?
Super Mario Bros-2 million dollars
What is FMS's stars on Yelp?
What drink became popularized in Tang China?
How many people lived in Hangzhou?
1 million
What became popular after it was shipped from Korea and Japan?
folding fans
What is the most used letter in the English language?
What college has the most championship wins in college basketball?
How many people lived in chang'an?
What became a custom under the song dynasty?
feet-binding women
When did Portuguese sailors come over to China?
What is the oldest country ever to have a lasting government today?
What is the rarest name?
Xqgshsbdusbajab (yes it's real)