TAP Rules
Coping skills
Safe or unsafe
True or false

Name one TAP rule we must following during Free time (outside OR inside)

Free time: choosing an appropriate activity, include peers in activities, sharing TAP items, clean up your activity before moving to another activity, ask staff if we want an activity out of the craft closet, using indoor voices

Outside: keep a calm body, no screaming/screeching, keep all sports balls inside the fenced area, leave insects and animals alone (do not touch them), put all items away when finished with an activity, indoor items remain inside, follow the thermometers rules for when we need to wear our jacket, stay inside the fenced area.


Where can you find coping skills to use during the TAP day?

Group room bins, cubbies, sensory room and staf offices


Safe or unsafe: Keeping my hands to myself.




True or false: You can go down the hall without staff permission

FALSE: staff need to be able to see you at all times in program, ask staff to bring you down the hallway before going down (whether it is to get something or you need a break)


What has many rings but no fingers?

A Telephone


Name one TAP rule we must following during group

Group: using one coping skill at a time, sit in our assigned seat, raise our hand to answer a question, put our name on the sensor room list, wait our turn for the sensory room, ask for zots and gum (only allowed TWO), use coping skills safely, ask for help when you feel you need it


Name three coping skills that help you when you are feeling: 


high energy 




Safe or unsafe: When outside is open, I can shut the alarm off and go outside alone. 

unsafe! Staff are the only ones who can turn off door alarms and need to go outside with you. 


True or false: I am expected to particiate in the group to the best of my ability.

TRUE: group therapy is an expectation here at TAP. We learn and grow through the activities that are planned. 


The alphabet goes from A to Z, but I go Z to A. What am I?

A Zebra


You had a difficult day at school, How can you check in with staff at TAP?

Check in board, car rides (if being transported), through writing and drawing, one on one time


What is the difference between a coping skill and a toy? 

A toy is an activity you can play that is apart of your interest, that can include peers and entertain you.

coping skill is an object or an something that you can use to help calm your body down, regulate your emotions, connect you back to the present (help you focus). 


Safe or unsafe: running into the group room and flipping over the back or arm of the couch

Unsafe: Running in TAP is a safety hazard, and we need to respect the couches and enter the group room appropriately. 


True or false: If my peer is rude to me, I can be rude back

FALSE: we are all learning how to be a good friend while here at TAP. Just because someone is unkind to us in the moment, does not give us permission to be unkind back. 


I have cities, but no houses. I have forests, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

A Map


I already used my two sensory room times. I just got into an argument with a peer and am shifting into the red zone. I do not feel like I can be safe. Can I ask staff to use the sensory room again?

YES. the expectation is two sensory room times if we feel silly/high energy and need to get our wiggles out. If we feel like we will become aggressive or feel that we cannot be safe within the group, you are able to use the sensory room again if available. 


What coping skills are available when you cannot use the sensory room?

Fidgets, office, one on one time, nook area (jumping jacks, running in place), body socks, drawing/coloring, etc.


Safe or unsafe: I can stand and climb on items at TAP because I have great balance and do it all the time at home.

Unsafe: We should not be climbing, standing or jumping off anything, it is not safe. We can find safer ways to let or energy out.


True or false: We can talking about weapons, violence and aggression at TAP

FALSE. We keep conversations regarding weapons, violence to a minimum here at TAP. Replacement words are encouraged. 

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A Gummy Bear


What is the one TAP expectation that you struggle the most with? why?


How are you EXPECTED to use the following coping skills in group: 

Body sock

balance board

Wobble stool

donut seats 



Safe or unsafe: The door bell rings during wind-down, and you go down the hallway to answer it, saying it is your ride.

Unsafe: Staff are the only ones allowed to answer the door, Tappers cannot go down the hallway alone, and cannot go down the hallway to get the door until staff call you down for dismissal.


True or false: TAP staff talk with families about how you are following TAP expectations 

TRUE: TAP staff chat with your family members and team members on how you are doing at TAP. 


What kind of lion never roars?

A Dandelion