History of Education
Theories of Development
Educational Philosophy
Inclusive Classrooms
School Setting

Specific court cases that have been influential to my education path

What is ESSA and NCLB because as a White Male I've had school on easy mode?


Cognitive Developments

What is cognitive development theories, Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson all agree that children go through stages and it happens to everybody. 


Am I a Behaviorist

What is, Probably not


Classroom layout

I want a room sorta like Mrs. Godfrey's where its almost secluded and by itself. With a smart board in the front but if I could choose I think it would be cool to have a chalkboard. I want enough space between the desks to not be cramped, I want a giant world map in the room for a part of my Classroom Management Plan. 


What type of a school setting

What is, Public School


How has any of the history of education shaped part of your philosophy of education

What is yes and no, going through the "gifted" track in elementary school has set me up for the future with a good path towards college but it has also given me no study skills and no way to accept anything lower than a B. 


Socio-cultural theories

What is a person's surroundings and how they interact with their environment


Am I a Perennialist 

What is NO

Classroom Management Plan

My Classroom Management Plan is to have a daily bell ringer but they don't have to write it down, go over current events around the world, daily country for 1 point extra credit on a test/quiz. 


How do I plan on utilizing the school community to set students up for learning success

I plan to be that one teacher that everyone can come to for anything kinda like Coach Gage. I would like to coach a sport but it's not a necessity to teach. 


The 4th letter in my name

What is "O"


How Children Learn

What is, Children learn based on all the theories of education, it can give teachers a guide to help students learn the most efficient way?


Am I a Progressivist

What is, not really because I feel like the teacher needs to have more of a role in the classroom


Inclusiveness in the class

Inclusiveness can make a class more impactful because if everybody feels like they belong they will want to come to class. 


Leadership in the Classroom

I plan to show leadership in the classroom by having a no-off limit classroom, anything you want to talk we can talk about (within school rules). I firmly believe in the topics everyone avoids are the things that need answered the most. If the students trust me, I have their respect and if I have their respect, I have their trust. 


Currrent Trends affecting my path to becoming a educator

What is, College Tuition is pretty high, so I'm gonna join the Army so they'll pay for it


Teachers need to learn the theories

The theories are a guide


Am I an Essentialist

What is, I'm a mix of Essentialist and Progressive because I believe the teacher needs to have a role of guidance in the class. Students need to know certain things that can be useful to them in life. Essentialism shaped my ideas by my liking of lectures and class discussions. 

Super bowl predictions 

Hopefully not the Cowboys, Giants, or Seahawks. Probably the Eagles and maybe the Chiefs. Bets on the underdog Dolphins to make the Conference round


Personal Learning as a Teacher

I still plan to learn as a teacher but by current events and things going on around the world. At a certain point you stop learning about everything in the past and focus on things going on in the world. This coincides with my CMP of going over current events. This helps me and my students learn and focus on the future of the world. 


What personal events have affected your path to becoming and educator

What is, most of the teachers I've had in high school that really cared about making an impact on their students and truly were in it not for the money. 


Difference between Piaget and Erikson

Piaget believes all stages are non-negotiable, Erikson believes you can get stuck in a stage


Am I a Existentialist

What is, NO


Differentiated Learning Techniques

I plan to give students the chance to have choices for their coursework in the form of like a bingo or 3-in-a-row type thing. This gives students whatever they tend to like will have a chance to understand the work on the same level in a sense. 


Wallet Presentation

Most Prized Possession