This region of the brain is responsible for higher level cognition and executive function and does not develop fully until your 20's.
Prefrontal cortex
This term refers to a back-and-forth interaction between a caregiver and child.
Serve and return
This sensory material is a non-Newtonian fluid and is made of equal parts cornstarch and water.
This apprentice has previously volunteered at the Mid-Hudson Children's Museum.
This type of supportive play is considered optimal for learning.
Guided play
This region of the brain plays a crucial role in processing and regulating emotions and is responsible for activating our fight-or-flight response.
This biologically based set of predispositions shapes behavior and is a foundation for personality.
This counting technique promotes one to one correspondence and helps build foundational math skills.
Count and pull
This apprentice has 32 pairs of earrings.
This natural pigment determines the color of skin, hair, and eyes.
This term refers to our brain's ability to change and adapt its structure and function throughout life.
This term refers to sharing something of interest with another person at the same time and "hooks" communication.
Joint attention
This term refers to returning to a previously introduced concept and continuing to strengthen or build upon that knowledge.
Spiral learning
This apprentice has now taught in four countries!
This type of adult is irrationally crazy about a child and is a source of strength for them.
Charismatic adult
This sensory system controls your body's internal sense of its muscles and joints and is stimulated by deep touch and pressure.
This type of connection allows children to use their caregivers as a "base" from which they can play and explore the world.
Secure attachment
This underlying skill is fundamental to writing and can be built through activities such as cutting, drawing, and lacing.
Fine motor
This apprentice used to dress up their dog in a penguin suit.
A child putting a pillow on their head and using it as a crown is an example of this level of symbol development.
Unrelated substitution
This executive function allows us to hold and manipulate information in our mind in order to do more complex tasks.
Working memory
This 3 T strategy helps promotes communication and helps language development in children.
Tune in, talk more, take turns
This classroom item allows children to explore proportional relationships as they play.
Unit blocks
This apprentice doesn't know how to ride a bike... yet.
This early literacy component has to do with the sounds of spoken language and their connection to letters and words.