Mental Health Diagnosis
Mental Health Treatment
Homelessness and Mental Health in the United States
Local Services

Mental health affects what population

What is men, women, children, adolescents, and elderly (Everyone)


What type of MH treatment is used for an acute episode?

What is inpatient?


Why are the homeless most affected by MH

What is Lack of Healthcare


Person or people who has no permanent place of living

What is homelessness


Short term rental assistance and services

What is Rapid Re-Housing


People living in homelessness have a ____ prevalence of mental health issues.

What is high


This helps with this population’s issue of mental illness because once these individuals find a sustainable home they are able to work on other aspects of their life?

What is Rapid Re-Housing 


Around what percent of the homeless population suffer from mental illness

What is 40-45%


An individual’s behavior, mood, or cognition/thinking is disturbed

What is mental illness


Place that offers free food to individuals who need it

What is the food bank


Common mental health illnesses the homeless population suffers from

What is anxiety, depression, substance abuse disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.


 Name one of the two EBP’s we spoke to that healthcare workers and law enforcement officers can use to help make programs more effective

What is jail diversion or crisis intervention training.


When trying to end homelessness what is a crucial thing to make note of 

What is the social determinants of health


When people are housed with their friends or family

What is Concealed Homelessness


Substance abuse treatment center located in MercyOne

What is MercyOne Horizons.


What usually happens first: mental illness or homelessness?

What is: either can happen first.


More complex illnesses to treat is the result of... (blank)

What is delaying treatment


US State with the largest number of homeless individuals

What is California


When people are using private or public shelters, or sleeping on the street

What is Absolute Homelessness


Nonprofit organization in Waterloo that helps single mother families experiencing homelessness.

What is House of Hope.


What does mental health increase risk for (can give 2 of the 5 listed in the presentation)

What is increases risk for violence, risk for homelessness/poverty suicide, other health issues, substance abuse, and criminal offenses


What are three of the nine services required to be delivered by Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics?

What is: 1)  crisis services available 24/7, 2) screening, assessment, and diagnosis, 3) person-centered and/or family-centered treatment planning, 4)outpatient mental health and substance use services, 5) primary care screening and monitoring, 6) targeted case management services, 7) psychiatric rehabilitation services, 8)peer supports, and family/caregiver supports, and 9) community care for uniformed service members and veterans


Reasons for homelessness in the United States (can give 2 of the 6 listed in the correct answer)

What is poverty, mental illness, unemployment, racial discrimination, addiction


The mindset that the homeless population uses when they do not prioritize primary care because they are focused on getting food and staying safe.

What is Scarcity mindset


 Iowa based assistance in transitioning from homeless

 What is PATH