The Leftovers

True or False:

When you read a story, you read made-up events with made-up characters.



Fill in the blank:

A fable is a story that teaches a ______ about life. 

A fable is a story that teaches a lesson about life.


True or False:

A folktale is a story that has been told for a short time. 


A folktale is a story that has been told for a long time.


True or False:

Poets create poetry to confuse the readers.


Poets create poetry to by using carefully chosen words to show ideas or feelings in a new way.


Fill in the blank:

_____________ are drawings or photographs that you see in a story. They help you understand the events and characters.

Illustrations are drawings or photographs that you see in a story. They help you understand the events and characters.


Story structure shows how parts of a story work together to tell the story. Most stories have a _________, ______, and ___.

Story structure shows how parts of a story work together to tell the story. Most stories have a beginning, middle, and end.


A ______ is a word part that is added to the beginning of a root word. Adding a ______ to a root word creates a new word with a new meaning.

a. Prefix

b. Suffix

a. Prefix

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a root word. Adding a prefix to a root word creates a new word with a new meaning.


A _____________ is a word that is made up of two smaller words.

a. Prefix

b. Suffix

c. Compound Words 

d. Root Word

c. Compound Words

A compound word is a word that is made up of two smaller words.

Example: bed + time = bedtime


An inference is a good guess you make about something that an author does not tell you. You can make inferences about the setting, characters, feelings or events in a text. 

What words in the following tell you where Matt and Juan are?

"Matt and Juan were swimming. Juan's dad called them for lunch. After lunch, they built a sand castle. Then they went swimming again. It was fun."

"Matt and Juan were swimming. Juan's dad called them for lunch. After lunch, they built a sand castle. Then they went swimming again. It was fun."


True or False:

Your point of view can not change. 


Your point of view is how you think and feel about something. As we learn about characters or events this might change. 


Context clues help you figure out the meaning of a words you do not know. Context clues may be words in the same sentence or words in a sentence close to the unknown word. 

What words help you to understand that the word equipment means?

"Your mother told me that you like baseball," said Mrs. Pine. "So I brought my equipment. I have a glove, a bat, and a ball."

"Your mother told me that you like baseball," said Mrs. Pine. "So I brought my equipment. I have a glove, a bat, and a ball."


The prefix un- means:

a. "not"

b. "again"

a. "not"

Example: "unkind" means "not kind"


If you do not know the meaning of a long word, you may be able to use its root word to figure out the meaning. 

What is the root word of the following words?

singer   visitor   quickly





Shades of Meaning:

Some words have meanings that are almost the same but are different in small ways. 

Think about the word run. Share two other words that are almost the same as run, but are different in small ways.

Examples: dash, walk, stop, jog, sprint, etc.


Give the title of one of the stories or poems we read in our book this year. NOT Pebble Tacos (sorry Max)

Learning Something New

The Pet Shop Mystery

Han-Shin and the Bowl of Rice

Not So Clever Fox

Stone Soup

Keep a Poem in Your Pocket

We Have a Secret


Rope Rhyme


Fill in the blanks:

When you read a story, you should ask _________ about it. Then you can find _______ in the story.

When you read a story, you should ask questions about it. Then you can find answers in the story.


The suffix -less means:

a. "full of"

b. "without"

b. "without"

Example: "fearless" means "without fear"


What is Max's favorite word?



Fill in the blank: (clue, it is the same word)

Many poems have a ______, or a beat, like a song. A poet may use ______ in a poem to emphasize certain words and create meaning. 

Many poems have a rhythm, or a beat, like a song. A poet may use rhythm in a poem to emphasize certain words and create meaning.


To retell means to "tell again." When you retell a story you tell about its beginning, middle, and end in your own words. What things go in the beginning, middle and end of a retelling? 

Beginning - 3 things

Middle - 1 thing

End - 1 thing

Beginning - characters, setting and problem

Middle - how they try to solve the problem

End - how they ultimately solve or don't solve the problem


Characters respond to events and challenges, or problems the character has in the story. They do this in four main ways. They __, ___, _____, and ____.

Characters respond to events and challenges, or problems the character has in the story. They do this in four main ways. They do, say, think and feel.


The lesson in a story is called its central message. A message is what you learn from the story. In a fable, this message is called the _____ of the story.

The lesson in a story is called its central message. A message is what you learn from the story. In a fable, this message is called the moral of the story.


When you _______ two things you look at how they are the different. When you _______ two things you look at how they are the same.

When you contrast two things you look at how they are the different. When you compare two things you look at how they are the same.


Where is Mrs. Sullivan moving in June?



A prefix or a suffix is a word part that is added to the beginning or end of a root word. Adding a prefix or suffix to a root word creates a new word with a new meaning.

List 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes with examples and what they mean

answers vary