This is the maximum amount of time you have to return to Active Duty upon being granted a Golden Ticket
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One Year
Once approved for a Golden or Silver Ticket, this is who the member must contact to enroll in the TRP?
What is
The maximum number of years of active service and paygrades requirements for Officers wishing to be considered for TRP
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14 years and O3-O4
The medical documentation is required to return to Active Duty
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Form DD-2808
This is what happens to your Golden Ticket if you do not utilize it within the allotted time frame
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It automatically becomes a Silver Ticket
This is the method in which enlisted members must indicate their intention to separate in order to be eligible for a TRP quota.
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Career Waypoints (C-WAY)
The maximum number of years of active service and paygrades requirements for enlisted Sailors wishing to be considered for TRP
Who is ....
14 years and E4-E6
Upon return to Active Duty Sailors will be detailed in this manner.
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Current Availability (aka needs of the Navy)
This is the approval authority to recommend a Sailor be granted a Golden or Silver Ticket
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The Commanding Officer
The approving authority for all non-nuclear TRP requests for both Golden and Silver Tickets
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Members seeking entry into the TRP must not have been awarded NJP/Court-martial conviction within this amount of months
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TRP is a part of this initiative
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This entity determines the maximum number of Enlisted and Officer quotas each Fiscal Year for a Golden Ticket
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Nuclear trained personnel requests for TRP must be routed through this entity prior to ajudication by BUPERS-3
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OPNAV N133 - Nuclear Program Manager
Sailors requesting entry into the Targeted Re-entry Program must meet these standards (i.e. no record of civil arrest/NJP, courts-martial, failed drug screenings, etc.)
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Character standards
Sailors accepted to TRP will be known to be in this status
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What is Standby Reserve - Inactive (USNR-S2)
This is the maximum number of Silver Tickets that may be granted each year
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What is unlimited
Current Contact Information, Changes in physical or dependency status, current employment status, any other factors that could affect a return to AC must be provided to this person by TRP participants
Who is...
TRP Manager
The Commanding Officer must determine that a Sailor has maintained this before he may recommend a Golden/Silver Ticket.
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Sustained Superior Performance
This is the Command POC for questions regarding TRP
Command Career Counselor