Case Mgmt Basics
PPP Goals
Case Mgmt 'Name 'em'
HQY Benefits

Is the "case responsibility" field required?



What is our target for CSAT survey results?

85-90% chat
70% email


Name 2 out of 3 things that you should include when sending a case to another team?

1. Overview of issue

2. steps you have taken to research/resolve issue

3. Clear ask of what you need the team to assist with


Where should clients be mailing checks for Classic invoices?

PO Box 14374
Lexington, KY  40512


What is the name of the mental health provider HQY partners with for our EARP?

Spring Health


What is the expected response time when a case is assigned to a Team Member?

Response within 24 hours, even if only acknowledgment.


What is our attendance and adherence goal?

Adherence- 93%
Attendance- below 40 hours unapproved time in a rolling 90 day window


When should you make an outbound call to a client?  Name 2 out of 3

1. When you don't believe one email response can resolve the issue.
2. When live troubleshooting is necessary for resolving issue.
3. When client has not responded to previous email(s).


Where can you see your Service Assurance evaluations?

Interactions > Search > Search
Change dropdown to "evaluations" and select your name.


What is the "movement money" dollar amount you are eligible to be reimbursed for?

$240 for full-time Teammates


What is the expected response time when a case is assigned to another dept. for support or 'waiting on external'?

Update client every 48 hours.*

*Caveat in Scoop for issues we are told will be over 5 bus days SLA


What is an example of a behavior or attitude that is expected? 

-Receptive to coaching, feedback, and development
-takes ownership of performance
- initiates development activities, improvement opportunities
- open to change mentality, provides feedback, positive attitude, effort


Name 3 examples of what should *NOT* be used in outgoing client emails?

- Poor grammar, spelling, or punctuation.

- Abbreviations, slang, internal lingo
- Unapproved signatures, decorative fonts, inconsistent font size
- the 'Donotreply' return email address


Where can you find an acknowledgment template for an email?

In open case, 'send email' under Feed section.
Click "Insert template" icon, then "insert a template". Template named "All - Acknowledgment Template"
(Make sure template folders is set to Client Services)

Update contact name, description and email signature before sending.


What is the name of our 401K custodian?



What is the expected response time after a client responds to a case?

Respond within 24 hours


What is something that Service Assurance scores in an evaluation?

Acknowledgement, greeting, closure, complete info, accurate info, documentation, etc.


What is included in "tagging" a case? (First step of assigned casework)  Name 3 out of 5

1. Ensure correct platform/TM is assigned
2. Ensure correct client account is displayed.
3. Ensure correct client contact is displayed.
4. Ensure client contact is authorized.
5. Ensure client is non-managed and doesn't have an SDM.


Where can you ask questions regarding client contracts or the OCS process?

Optional Contract/PGs Office Hours Teams chat and recurring bi-weekly meetings


What is Purple with Purpose?

16 hours every TM gets to do volunteer work for approved projects and non-profit, etc.


What do you do if you are assigned a case in which the client has a designated SDM? (2 steps)

1) Provide the client with SDM's contact info (phone # and email address)
2) Assign case to SDM to respond further.


What is included in "service margin" activities as part of our PPP goals?

Pain point submission, cross-selling, cross-training


What should you do if you receive a case that is directly related to a case assigned to someone else?
Name both options.
For a bonus $1 MOTO- why does it matter??

1. Work the case and reach out to TM assigned other case asking if you can take it over (ideal if they haven't started working on it yet).
2. Reach out to person working other case and ask if you can assign them the duplicate you received so they can close both after resolved and get credit for both.


Where can you ask additional questions regarding the Further transition?

Optional: Further Transition Virtual Office Hours
(Thursday afternoons)


How many company paid holidays do we receive? (per year)