This is the task that you create when sending a case to KDHE and pressing Complete does NOT generate a new task
State - Manual
PA is applying for herself and her NB. PA is an undocumented immigrant. This is the specialty that would work this request
When a consumer reports that they have moved, this task is created
Address Change
This type of task means that the case was sent back to the previous worker for correction by KDHE
We sent the PA some mail, the post office sent it back and said "I don't know where they went"
Returned Mail - No FWD
This type of task, created when a file is received, should not be completed or pended but instead should be voided and the correct task created
Incoming Documents
Someone on this case who is under 26 has active AGO coverage, that means you'll update the task due date to this year
This task is created when a consumer asks to be contacted back by an eligibility worker for additional information
Follow Up Call
True or False: As long as the task is related to MAGI, we can work it even if there is E&D or LTC coverage on the case
PA was supposed to send proof of income by 2/18/25. They did not and were denied for FTP on 2/20/25. We received the income on 2/24/25, and this task is the one that tells us that it needs addressed
The received date that would be used for a Process Application - Manual task for an SSP application received 2/21/2025 at 10:30 PM
When the case needs E&D or LTC but also MAGI, this 6 letter word should be added to the casebank
Uh-oh, someone isn't happy. I know that because the case has this kind of task
A task displaying this queue tells us that the application or review has not been officially "attached" to the case yet and we will need them to do so before we can process it
Someone on the case previously had other health insurance, they have called and reported that they no longer have it, so the CSR created this task
TPL Delete
Tasks that are manually created will not create a downstream task when comepleted because they are not this type of task
PA is the only one applying, they are not MAGI eligible but they live in a nursing home, so this case will need to be worked by this specialty
Which would be the correct task for a PA reporting that someone has moved into their household but does NOT want coverage
Add New Person
Sometimes things get a little mixed up and MAGI tasks end up on cases that we should not even journal on because they are not medical cases and belong to this other agency with whom we share KEES
This task is created when coverage may not have properly gone to KMMS and we may need to run EDBC to correct this
Medical Card Request
The task created by a worker who has discovered documents in the wrong case in Perceptive and needs that addressed by Mailroom
Correct Indexing
An application is received 2/10/25 requesting new coverage for PA and for a child born 1/30/25. Only the CH is requesting PM coverage. This is the correct due date for the task on this case
This task is for information related to a HH member (such as an SSN, DOB, etc.) being provided and needing updated
Demographic Change
More than just a grievance, this type of task tells us that a consumer who was not satisfied with an outcome has requested the case to be reviewed by a higher authority
Tasks beginning with ES-3160 belong to this extra special division of a KDHE specific specialty