Goal Setting
Financial Literacy
Diversity and Inclusion

What is the name of the building we are in right now?

Boyle Heights Technology YouthSource Center 


What is a short term goal?

A goal that can be completed within days, weeks, or months. (usually no longer than a year)


Which type of card allows you to spend money you have deposited into the bank? 

Debit Card


What is diversity?

Diversity refers to differences in social economic background, age, gender, religion,  interests, sexuality, physical and mental abilities. 


What color ink should you be filling our your timesheet with? 

Black or Blue 


What is a long term goal?

A goal that you aim to achieve over an extended period of time. (This could take years to achieve)


What is the highest credit score someone can have?



What is an ally?

Any person actively supporting and/or advocating for the advancement of equality and a culture of inclusion for a demographic or identity that they aren't a part of.


What are one of your roles and responsibilities while being here?

Be on time, Be attentive, Maintain a positive attitude, Ask questions, Be respectful of our time and others time as well, Attend as many meetings/ all meetings or workshops as possible


In the acronym SMART, what does the M stand for?


According to the 30/50/20 rule, how much of your money should be going towards essentials such as bills? 



What do you call a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person?



If you worked from 3pm-6:30pm, what is the proper way to record how many hours you worked on your timesheet? 

3.5 hours


In the acronym SMART, what does the R stand for?



What is financial literacy?

Financial literacy equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their money effectively.


What are two ways you can be an ally in the workplace?

Listen, Educate yourself, Understand your unconscious biases, Speak up not over, Use inclusive language and engage more allies 


If you claim to be mistreated or dismissed in the workplace, who is the first person you should talk to?

Internship Coordinator 

Name three examples of a long term goal. 

Learning a new language, graduating college, gaining experience for your desired job, purchasing a home by saving for a down payment, learning a new skill such a crocheting, writing a book 


List two fixed expenses and two flexible expenses.

Fixed Expenses are things you must pay for such as rent, bills, and gas. 

Flexible Expenses are things you choose to buy such as concert tickets, clothing, makeup, and eating out 


You hire a new intern to your company and they have some ideas on how to increase productivity. Your coworkers begin to dismiss the intern as they are still "too new" to the company and wouldn't know what they're talking about. How would be the best way to handle this situation?

Allowing the intern the opportunity to share their ideas and letting your coworkers know that the intern was hired for a reason and deserve to be heard and have their ideas considered no matter how long they have been working at the company.