The Humber of children Taylor wants
What is one kid and at one dog?
Taylor's favorite color
What is Lavender (or rainbow)?
Taylor's guilty pleasure christmas movie
What is "the Mistletones"?
Taylor's kidney condition
Horseshoe kidney
Taylor's dream job
What is ID doctor or oncology doctor?
Taylor's favorite food
What is chocolate?
Taylor's guilty pleasure book
What is "Red white and Royal Blue"?
The number of tattoos Taylor has
What is 2 ?
The level of education Taylor wants
What is masters or PHD?
Taylor's favorite subject in school
What is biology? (art is also an acceptable answer)
Taylor's guilty pleasure Rom Com?
What is "anyone but you"?
Number of laws Taylor has broken
What is 5 ?
The amount of money Taylor wants to make
What is enough money to get her nails done every 2 weeks?
Taylor's favorite animal
What are butterflies? (dogs also accepted)
Taylor's guilty pleasure food?
what "Taylor" means
(bonus points if you know why Taylor was named this)
what is clothed with salvation ? Taylor means internal beauty and they are beautiful inside and out.
Bonus: Taylor's parent's friend's couldn't make fun of the name
What is a soaker tub?
Taylor's favorite musical
What is Come from away or Something Rotten?
Taylor's guilty pleasure song?
What is Magic by one direction
Free response: One thing you find interesting about Taylor (It can not be something all ready discussed in this jeopardy)
Taylor will judge all answers