Something that you need to to use a website or app.
I want to make a Wechat _________ so I can chat with my friends
China is ______ a fantastic place!
You go up a mountain with some friends.
What is this called?
You aren't scared ______
You aren't scared are you?
_ d____t k___w if I'm going to America next month. It seems like it's too dangerous to go traveling.
I don't know
This is what you need to do to get an account in a website/app.
I'm going to ______ __ for a Douyin account because all my friends have it.
sign up
______ awesome ___ that!
How awesome is that!
You go to the mall to buy some stuff that you like.
What is this called?
That move was awesome _____ ___?
That movie was awesome wasn't it?
_ t____k I will get 100 on my test! I studied very hard for it.
I think
To go into my account, I need to _____ __
Sign in
_______ a brilliant movie!
What a brilliant movie!
You go out with friends to a park. All of you bring some food and eat it together at the park.
What is this called?
Have a picnic
You enjoyed the picnic ____ ___?
You enjoyed the picnic didn't you?
__ c______n that my grandma and grandpa are safe. They always stay at home.
I'm certain that my grandma and grandpa are safe. They always stay at home.
Mine is
email address
______ awesome was that concert!
How awesome was that concert!
You roll a heavy ball at some pins that are far away from you.
What is this called?
That isn't a vampire ______ ___
__ s__e that I will stay at home tomorrow
I'm sure that I will stay at home tomorrow
To sign in, you need to write 2 things:
___________ and __________
Username and password
_________ great _______ that restaurant!
______ a surprise!
How great was that restaurant!
What a surprise!
You throw a disc at someone that is far away from you and they catch it.
What is this called?
Playing frisbee
You're hungry ____ ___?
You're hungry aren't you?
__ s______e I could play video games today. My parents are not home.
I suppose I could play video games today. My parents are not home.