Main Ideas
Figurative Lang

At the beginning of Ch. 3, what does Bruno wonder about Gretel?

Why they didn't leave her behind in Berlin


What does Mother say they should never had done as she is leaving the house?

She says they never should have invited "The Fury" to dinner


What are some differences between the two trains at the Berlin station that Bruno notes as he boards his train?

There are few people on his train and a lot on the other one

His train is more comfortable than the other

There are soldiers yelling orders at the other train


What figure of speech is the following quote?

"As they left, they stood in a row together like toy soldiers."

Simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia



What do you infer from the following passage?

"..he was pointing and saw, emerging from a hut, in the distance, a group of children huddled together and being shouted at by a group of soldiers. The more they were shouted at, the closer they huddled together."

The children are afraid of the soldiers

The children are not doing what the soldiers want them to do


When Gretel looks out the window what weird thing does she notice about the people outside?

That there are no girls in the camp


What does Bruno think of the soldiers who surround Father as they interrupt each other, make suggestions, and seem overly-solicitous?

That they seemed to be fighting each other for Father's attention


Why does Bruno knock on his father's door? What does he want?

He misses his father and just wants to see him

He wants to talk about the new house


What figure of speech is the following quote below?

"The words were out before he could really think about whether they were sensible or not; once he heard them floating in the air they didn't seem like the kind of things he should be saying to father.."

Simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia

Personification: words can't float

When Bruno says triumphantly, "I told you there were children here."  What is Gretel's response?

Not the type of children I want to play with! They are filthy.


When Gretel sees the huts the people live in, what kind of housing does she think it is?

Gretel says that they must be "modern-style" houses


What is Father's reaction when Bruno tells him that he doesn't like the house and wants to go home?

His smile fades indicating concern

He doesn't reply immediately and wants to reply carefully

He thinks before he says things


What does Father tell Bruno after Bruno yells that he won't accept living at Out-With?

To go to his room


What figure of speech is the following quote?

"(Bruno) glanced back at Father, who was staring at him stony-faced."

Metaphor - comparing the expression on Father's face to a stone


What do you infer about Father's character from this quote by his wife?

"Some people and their determination to get ahead."

That Father is ambitious

That Father is a social climber

That Father puts his ambition to rise in power over his families' well-being


What misunderstanding is there when Gretel says, "What kind of people don't have baths?" about the dirty children in the yard?

Gretel thinks the children choose to be dirty and possibly have bad manners, upbringing, or parents


What is Bruno's reaction when Father insists that Out-With IS their home and Father won't listen to anymore of his reasons to leave?

He begins to cry


What figure of speech is the following quote?

"(Bruno) glanced back at Father, who was staring at him stony-faced."

Metaphor - comparing the expression on Father's face to a stone


What figure of speech is the following quote below?

"(the flowers were).. like putting a tiny candle of light in a corner of a huge castle on a misty moor on a dark winter's night."



Infer from the description of the "other" train where it is heading. Who are the people on the "other" train? Where are they probably going?

It is overcrowded with people

It is surrounded by soldiers

It is not made for comfort

The people on the other train are Jewish prisoners going to a concentration camp


At the beginning of Ch. 5, in a flashback, what comes to pick up mother, and the rest of the family and servants to take them to the new house?

An "official" car with black-and-red flags


What is Father's response when Bruno asks about the people outside?

That they are not people at all and not to worry about them


What two word should Bruno have said when leaving his father's office that his father is upset about (because Bruno didn't say the two words)?

Heil Hitler


What figure of speech is in the following quote below?

"He ran into Gretel's room without knocking and discovered her placing her civilization of dolls on various shelves around the room."

Metaphor - comparing the amount of dolls to a civilization


What do you infer from the following passage about how Father feels about Bruno?

"Bruno, I was coming up to see you in a few minutes. I promise I was," said Father

Father misses Bruno

Father feels guilty that he has not seen his family in a while