What is the SURC?
Set in Paris, Remy dreams of becoming a chef.
What is Ratatouille?
After surviving a plane crash, a group of young boys descends from survival into savagery.
What is Lord of the Flies?
Who is Kendrick Lamar?
Students in this major focus on the techniques involved in fiction, poetry, and screenwriting.
What is (Professional) Creative Writing?
Case Management, Disability Services, and the TC Lounge
What is Bouillon Hall?
A waste-cleaning robot falls in love.
What is WALL-E?
Arthur Miller's dramatized version of the Salem witch trials.
What is The Crucible?
Timeless, Starboy, and The Hills
Who is The Weeknd?
This hands-on science major teaches students about fermented foods and beverages.
What is Craft Brewing?
Jimmy B's, The Fishbowl, and the Wildcat Pantry
What is Brooks Library?
A racing star settles down in a quiet Route 66 town.
What is Cars?
"To be, or not to be," asks Shakespeare's titular character in this play.
What is Hamlet?
You Proof, 7 Summers, and I Had Some Help
Who is Morgan Wallen?
Students in this program study software engineering, robotics, data visualization, and cybersecurity.
Aviation, Teacher Certification, and the DEC
What is Black Hall?
A skilled Scottish archer carves out her own path in life.
What is Brave?
Mark Twain's titular character floats down the river with a man escaping slavery.
What is (The Adventures of) Huckleberry Finn?
Like Him, Yonkers, and EARFQUAKE
Who is Tyler, The Creator?
This major focuses on commercial building and civil projects like bridges, roads, and utilities.
What is Construction Management?
Service Desk and the Multimodal Education Center
What is Samuelson Hall?
A wilderness scout stows away with a disgruntled old man.
Johnny Cade to Ponyboy: "Stay gold."
What is The Outsiders?
Walkin on Water, Railway, and Chk Chk Boom
Who is Stray Kids?
Students in this major learn about the links between diet, physical activity, and health.
What is Exercise Science?