Using Proper Grammar
Inferences and Main Idea
Sentence Structure
Writing and Research
Eliza and Jake were happy to see their cousins and discuss family memories with ____. A. they B. he C. her D. them
She was the smartest person in 7th grade. Which of these supports the statement above? A. She made an A in reading. B. She was never absent. C. She had the highest grades in every subject. D. She wore glasses.
C. She had the highest grades in every subject.
What would be the best way to combine these two sentences without changing their meaning? Alaska is the largest state in the United States. Alaska has the highest mountain in North America, Mt. McKinley. A. Alaska, the largest state has the highest mountain in America, Mt. McKinley. B. Alaska has the largest mountain in America and is the largest state. C. Alaska, the largest state in the United States, has the highest mountain in North America, Mt. McKinley. D. The largest state in the United states has the highest mountain in North America, Alaska and it is called Mt. McKinley.
C. Alaska, the largest state in the United States, has the highest mountain in North America, Mt. McKinley.
My favorite time of the year is summer. I love swimming and playing in the sun. The sun is huge! Last year I got to go swimming almost every day. I cannot wait for this summer! Which sentence should be removed from the paragraph? A. My favorite time of the year is summer. B. I love swimming and playing in the sun. C. The sun is huge! D. I cannot wait for this summer!
C. The sun is huge!
The following quote is an example of what type of figurative language? "Roll down this hill - if you are so inclined." A. metaphor B. pun C. personification D. simile
B. pun
Which word in the following sentence is used as an interjection? Yikes! There are bats in that cave. A. bats B. Yikes C. there D. are
B. Yikes
Stephen Ambrose, the famous author/historian, stated that World War II was a children's crusade. What key idea did he probably use to illustrate his statement? A. The average age of the men in the military was under 20. B. Women served as pilots, doctors, and nurses. C. Mothers lived in constant fear of a telegram. D. Very few World War II soldiers had been to college.
A. The average age of the men in the military was under 20.
John acts up in class and doesn't finish assignments. John is not passing English. What is the best way to combine these two sentences? A. John acts up in class and doesn't finish assignments, or he is not passing English. B. Acting up in class and not finishing assignments, John is passing English. C. John is not passing English from acting up in class and not finishing assignments. D. Because John acts up in class and doesn't finish assignments, he is not passing English.
D. Because John acts up in class and doesn't finish assignments, he is not passing English.
For which goal is the thesaurus the best reference source? A. to find a synonym B. to define a word C. to locate a map D. for biographical information
A. to find a synonym
Mr. Brown charged Lisa with finding a new place to have the end-of-the-year dance. What does charged mean as it is used in this sentence? A. place guilt or blame B. put on a credit card C. impose a task D. fill or furnish fully
C. impose a task
The boy in the black suit sat down behind the others. Which statement below is correct? A. down behind - prepositional phrase B. The boy in the black suit - adjective phrase C. in the black suit - prepositional phrase used as an adjective D. in the black suit - prepositional phrase used as an adverb
C. in the black suit - prepositional phrase used as an adjective
You are reading about a character that is accused of a crime. This character becomes very nervous upon entering the courtroom; you probably would infer that the character is A. indifferent. B. mournful. C. guilty. D. arrogant.
C. guilty
Wait until after the game to meet your friend. Also, wait until after the game to call your parents. What is the best way to combine these sentences? A. Call your parents after the game and wait for your friends. B. Wait until after the game to meet your friends and call your parents. C. Call your friends and wait for your parents after the game. D. After the game call your parents until you wait for your friends.
B. Wait until after the game to meet your friends and call your parents.
Which is not a secondary source? A. personal interview B. news media C. biography D. gossip
A. personal interview
William's car is decrepit and will not travel more than 5 miles before it breaks down. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the underlined word. William's car is __________. A. in a wheelchair B. in very poor condition C. wrecked D. used
B. in a very poor condition
Steve was sent to work, after his father lost his job, when he was fifteen. Which modifying phrase is incorrectly placed in this sentence? A. Steve was sent B. when he was fifteen C. after his father D. lost his job
B. when he was fifteen
If you read a story about a grandmother buying a Barbie doll, you probably infer that the gift is for A. a teenage girl B. a grown man C. an older boy D. a young girl
D. a young girl
What is the best way to correct the following run-on sentence? I love sports, soccer is my favorite. A. I love sports soccer is my favorite. B. I love sports, Soccer is my favorite. C. I love sports; soccer is my favorite. D. I love sports: soccer is my favorite.
C. I love sports; soccer is my favorite.
To find statistics from the last U. S. census, you should check _____________. A. the card catalog B. periodicals C. almanacs D. encyclopedias
C. almanacs
"The wind whirled and whisked wandering wearily through the woods." The consonant sound is repeated to produce _______. A. a rhyme scheme B. a sense of air moving C. the sound that limbs make when they crack in the wind D. a sense of fear
B. a sense of air moving
It is not only important to learn to keyboard, but also to learn the proper techniques for correct keyboarding. The phrases "not only" and "but also" are used as which part of speech in this sentence? A. coordinating conjunction B. connecting conjunction C. correlative conjunction D. subordinating conjunction
C. correlative conjunction
If you are the kind of person who gets really upset when it's time for our big state tests, you can reduce your worry and stress by doing a few simple things. First, try to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep before the test. Although it seems obvious, you should also eat a good breakfast on test day. Several scientific studies show the importance of food and rest. It is easier to pay attention and focus when you are rested and not hungry. Another thing you can do is be sure you have the things you need. You should have a couple of pencils and some good erasers for most tests. Just knowing that you are "ready" can improve your attitude. Then, relax, follow directions, and do your best. Based on what the writer has said in the paragraph about preparing for tests, it is most likely that he or she _____. A. always has a healthy breakfast--bacon, eggs, juice B. believes all kids should do as well as they can C. doesn't think state tests should count much D. usually has trouble sleeping before test days
B. believes all kids should do as well as they can
Which sentence is correctly punctuated? A. According to recent newspaper articles, our football team is the best team in the state. B. The basketball team, is on their way to the state tournament. C. Tennis, is a sport that requires the players, to hit a ball across the net. D. Although we don't have a swimming pool at our school we have, a swim team.
A. According to recent newspaper articles, our football team is the best team in the state.
Garrett is researching Martin Luther King, Jr., and has read the transcript of the "I Have a Dream" speech. What type of source is the speech? A. It is a primary source because it was a famous speech. B. It is a primary source because it is factual and documented. C. It is a secondary source because it was transcribed. D. It is a secondary source because someone else wrote it.
B. It is a primary source because it is factual and documented.
sweet : bitter :: smooth : ______ A. silky B. dry C. rich D. rough
D. rough