From the text: Endurance & Apollo
Informational text
From the text: No More Soccer
writing strategies

What is the meaning of "abandon" in paragraph 4 of passage 1?

to leave


Does informational text have a main idea OR theme? 

main idea


The key words of "he, she, they, them" indicate which point of view?

3rd person POV

This is a form of literature that contains various elements such as themes, chapters, characters, paragraphs, and settings.



Send one competitor from your team.

Balance a cookie on your forehead. Without using your hands, get the cookie in your mouth!

If it breaks, you are out. 


FINDING DETAILS IN A TEXT: How long will Makenna have to wear the walking brace?

6 weeks


What are the 3 types of essays we have learned about and their purpose? 

opinion= to give your opinion on a topic

informational= to inform your reader of a topic

narrative= to tell a story


What are prefixes and suffixes? 

Prefix: a word part added to the beginning of a word or base word 

suffix: a word part added to the end of a word


In passage 1, which idea is best supported by the details in paragraphs 6 & 7? 

Answer choices: 

  1. The men did not accomplish their goal. 

  2. The water was extremely cold.

  3. Shackleton did not give up easily.

  4. Antarctica was a large continent.

3: Shackleton did not give up easily.


What are the 5 text structures?

  1. cause and effect

  2. chronological

  3. compare and contrast

  4. description

  5. problem and solution


What key words do you use with first person point of view?

I, me, my, we, us, etc


What are the three types of literature text?

Poetry, prose, and drama


Correct this sentence: 

I bought a mountain dew and some Pringles after School.

I bought a Mountain Dew and some Pringles after school.


CONTEXT CLUES- What does “elevate" mean in this passage? (4th paragraph, starting with "On the way home...")

A. to brace something so that it can not move at all

B. to ride on an elevator

C. to balance on one foot

D. to move in an upward direction

D. to move in an upward direction


Send one competitor from your team.

Stand behind the line and toss the ping pong ball into the cup. The first team to get it in the cup wins!


When a question on TCAP asks what a word means, it's a vocabulary question. This means you need _________   ______________ .

context clues (you HAVE to go back to the text)


Send one competitor from your team. 

Use chopsticks to move cereal into the cup. 

You can not pick up any with your hands.

The team who moves the most in one minute wins!


What text structure is this passage?

Compare and contrast


What POV is this paragraph written in? 

3rd person


Name 5 elements of poetry.

Answers will vary. 

Examples include: rhyme, rhythm, lines, stanzas, imagery, etc. 


Make this fragment a complete sentence:

Live far away from me.

Answers will vary. 


You live far away from me. 

(have to add a subject) 


INFERENCE- What was Makenna doing when the foot injury occurred?

She was playing soccer


What does the acronym ESCAPE stand for? 

establish, setting, characters, action, plot, ending


You will need one scribe who can write fast. This is a team challenge.

Name as many US states as you can in 60 seconds!

Incorrect capitalization will count off. 


In paragraph 11 of passage 2, what does the word doomed tell the reader about the mission? 

Answer choices: 

  1. The mission would take too long.

  2. The mission would end badly.

  3. The mission would waste supplies.

  4. The mission would start over.

2: The mission would end badly.


What's the difference between a firsthand account and a secondhand account?

A firsthand account is written by someone who experienced or witnessed the event and may include opinions. A secondhand account is written by someone who researched an event or topic but who did not experience it.


Compare or contrast the point of view of "Endurance" and "Apollo 13."

Endurance and Apollo 13 are both told in 3rd person POV


Name 3 elements of drama.

Answers will vary. 

Examples: cast list, stage directions, dialogue, etc. 


Which is correct: 

a. “If you work hard,” my grandfather said, “you will do well in school.”

b. “If you work hard” my grandfather said, “you will do well in school.”

c. “If you work hard,” my grandfather said “You will do well in school.”

a. “If you work hard,” my grandfather said, “you will do well in school.”


CHARACTER CHANGE- How did Makenna change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?

A. Her attitude changed from negative to positive.

B. At the beginning of the story, Makenna had to wear a walking brace. By the end of the story, she didn't need to wear it.

C. At the beginning of the story, she thought her ankle was fractured. At the end of the story, she realized that it was just sprained.

A. Her attitude changed from negative to positive.


What are the steps you need to take when writing an essay? (list them in order)

1. read the prompt

2. focus/opinion statement (if it's that type of essay)

3. make a checklist

4. read story

5. underline evidence while reading

6. plan 

7. write!


What does obsolete mean as used in this sentence? 

Typewriters became obsolete with the development of personal computers. 

A.  popular       

B. out-dated      

C. careful        

D. round

B. out-dated


Based on passage 2, why did the astronauts need to move from Aquarius to Odyssey before reentry to Earth?

Answer choices: 

  1. Aquarius had to be used for the moon landing. 

  2. Aquarius was much colder than Odyssey.

  3. Odyssey had more oxygen than Aquarius.

  4. Odyssey was the only section with heat shields.

4: Odyssey was the only section with heat shields


What text structure is this paragraph?



What does a story told in 1st person POV have that a story told in 3rd person POV might not have?

In first person point of view the narrator is a character in the story telling it from their perspective. In third person point of view the narrator is not part of the story and the characters never acknowledge the narrator's presence.

First person POV will have more emotions/feelings


Give a real life example of prose, poetry, and drama. It could be something you've read at school, home, etc.

Answers will vary. 


Poetry = Love That Dog

Prose = Hatchet

Drama = Matilda (play) 


Which relative pronoun goes in the blank? 

Carl, _________ pencil broke, didn't finish his math test.


Carl, whose pencil broke, didn't finish his math test.


THEME- Which statement best describes the theme of this passage?

A. When you play sports, you might injure yourself.

B. Use your talents to your advantage.

C. To achieve your goals, you must work hard.

D. When you face unexpected adversity, focus on the positive.

D. When you face unexpected adversity, focus on the positive.


Make a checklist of everything you need to include in an OPINION essay.

Opinion Writing Checklist 

First Paragraph: Introduction 

  1. Hook

  2. Introduce the topic

  3. Opinion Statement 

  4. Reason 1 

  5. Reason 2

Supporting Paragraph: All about reason 1 

  1. Restate reason 1

  2.  Evidence

  3. Elaboration

  4. Evidence

  5. Elaboration 

  6. Conclusion

Supporting Paragraph: All about reason 2 

  1. Restate reason 2

  2.  Evidence

  3. Elaboration

  4. Evidence

  5. Elaboration 

  6. Conclusion 

Conclusion Paragraph 

  1. Restate Opinion Statement 

  2. Explain “So what”- why does this information matter? 

  3. Conclusion Statement 



The word antisocial has a prefix and a root word. break it apart: what does the word antisocial mean? 

anti= against

social= friendly, talking to others

antisocial= against being friendly/talking to others