Informational Text
Language 2
Literature 2
These help the reader to make meaning from a text.
What are text features?
In a picture of a man running from a dog, this is the type of conflict presented.
What is man vs nature?
These are the two classifications (not genres of literature).
What are fiction and non-fiction?
Worse is the comparative form of the adjective "bad". This word is the superlative.
What is worst?
This genre of literature uses magic, fairies and evil forces to tell a story.
What is fantasy?
The purpose of most informational text is this
What is to inform?
Jenny is writing a report on teen driving accidents. Of the three items listed, this would be the BEST medium to enhance her presentation: A chart displaying teen driving statistics, a picture of a car crashed into a tree, or a list of the local Department of Highway Safety locations.
What is a chart displaying teen driving statistics?
This genre uses rhyme patterns, rhythm and figurative language to tell a story or send a message.
What is poetry?
The pronoun that fills in the blank in this sentence: William or Mary will present _________ book report today in class.
What is his or her?
The three main types of conflict present in literature are person vs self, person vs person, and this type of conflict.
What is person vs environment/nature?
"There are many problems that contribute to unemployment, but there are some tips that can help you in your job search." This is an example of a _______ statement.
What is thesis?
These are the 3 basic types of media.
What are print, visual, and electronic?
"Chester lived in a world all his own. No one ever knew what he was thinking. He smiled when there was nothing to smile about. I always asked my mother, "Why is Chester always so happy?" My mother would just shrug and say, "Chester came into the world smiling, and he will go out smiling." This is an example of which point of view?
What is third-person objective?
This is what needs to be corrected in the following sentence: We read The Road to Memphis this semester.
What is Road to Memphis needs to be italicized or underlined?
This type of figurative language uses extreme exaggeration.
What is hyperbole?
If your topic is fashions that teens are wearing, this is the BEST supporting sentence: A-Fashion design is a viable career choice for teens. B-Some teen fashions violate school dress codes. C-If you work in a clothing store, you have access to the latest fashions.
What is B?
The type of media that a poster falls under.
What is visual media?
In this part of the plot, the major conflict of the story has reached it's highest peak, and is now moving towards resolution.
What is the falling action?
In the sentence: "My father, a marine corporal, was injured in Iraq", the phrase "a marine corporal" is this type of phrase.
What is an appositive phrase?
This literary device gives clues about something that is going to happen later on in the story.
What is foreshadowing?
This type of text feature shows all the components, or parts of an object or system.
What is a diagram?
This word is the plural form of media.
What is media?
This type of figurative language uses a vivid description to create a visual image for the reader.
What is imagery?
This is what is wrong with this sentence: I told Tracy, Shut up, I'm not even talking to you!
What is it is missing quotation marks around the direct quote "Shut up, I'm not even talking to you!"
This literary device goes back in time to something that happens before the current point in the story.
What is flashback?