Cells and Heredity
Earth and Space
Matter and Energy
Motion and Forces
What part of the cell directs the cell's activities?
What is the nucleus?
What kind of energy is used to make most of the world's food?
What is sunlight?
Which group of planets have colder temperatures - the inner or outer planets?
What is the outer planets?
What is the difference between physical and chemical changes?
What is physical changes DO NOT change the identity of substances and chemical changes DO change the identity of substances.
Carla threw a baseball high into the air. What force caused it to fall back to the ground?
What is gravity?
Which of these structures is found in plant cells but not animal cells? Chromosome Cell Membrane Vacuole Chloroplast
What is chloroplast?
What type of symbiotic relationship is when one organism is harmed and the other is unaffected?
What is commensalism?
Ms. Isaacs asked her students to identify certain constellations as a homework assignment. What would her students need to complete the assignment?
What is a star chart/map?
Mrs. Hall used a machine in her kitchen to remove energy from a small amount of water until it changed from a liquid to a solid. What process changed the state of water?
What is freezing?
What causes objects with the same mass to hit the ground at different times? (Hint: flat paper and waded up paper)
What is air resistance because of surface area?
What is the name of the gel that surrounds the organelles in plant and animal cells?
What is cytoplasm?
The relationship between all food chains in an ecosystem is called ______________?
What is a food web?
Where do earthquakes occur?
What is transform boundaries?
When substances melt and evaporate, they are _________ energy.
What is gaining?
What would happen if you dropped two different objects with different masses, shapes, and sizes on the moon?
What is they would hit the ground at the same time no matter what because of no air, which means no air resistance?
Which of the following is an example of a learned behavior? Swallowing Breathing Blinking Walking
What is walking?
What do arrows represent in food chains and food webs?
What is the flow of energy between organisms?
Jupiter's outer layers are mostly made of ______________.
What is gas?
What are the different charges of protons, neutrons, and electrons?
What is protons are positive, neutrons are neutral, and electrons are negative?
Explain action and reaction forces.
What is action force is the first force in a pair and reaction force is the second force in a pair.
Through which process do offspring receive DNA from both parents?
What is reproduction?
How do plants and animals get energy?
What is plants receive energy from the sun. Animals receive energy from eating plants or other animals.
Describe a land breeze and sea breeze.
What is sea-breeze is from sea to land. Land-breeze is from land to sea.
Describe the difference between potential and kinetic energy and give an example of each.
What is potential energy is stored energy (stretched rubber band). Kinetic energy is moving energy (kicked soccer ball).
Describe the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces?
What is balanced does not cause motion? Unbalanced causes motion.