Scientific Method
Human Body
Mixtures and Solutions
In this step, the scientist comes up with a prediction for what they think will happen in the science experiment.
What is a hypothesis
Which body system supports and protects the brain?
What is Skeletal System
When you mix rocks, water, and leaves together is a bowl you have a....
What is a mixture.
The process of breaking down earth's substances such as rocks and minerals. Rain wearing away at a rock is an example of this.
What is weathering.
This process is how a plant makes its own food.
What is photosynthesis.
This is the first step in the Scientific Method.
What is ask a question or state your purpose.
Which body system transports the food through the esophagus to the stomach?
What is Digestive System
When you mix salt with water you get a ...
What is a solution.
When particles carried by water, ice, or wind are deposited in another location.
What is deposition.
When a gas changes into a liquid, it is called ......
What is condensation.
This is the step in which you are observing what has happened in your experiment and recording your data.
What is analysis or analyzing data.
Which muscle in your body helps your flex your muscles?
What is the flexor.
When water can no longer absorb any more salt in a solution, that solution is known as...
What is a saturated solution.
The movement of sediment or soil from one location to another by: water, ice, or wind.
What is erosion.
When a liquid changes into a solid, it is called ......
What is freezing.
What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
What are: Question/Purpose, Research, Hypothesis, Analysis, and Conclusion
This bundle of nerve tissue about 18 inches long and ¾ inch thick. It extends from the lower part of the brain down through spine. Along the way, various nerves branch out to the entire body. This helps make up the nervous system.
What is spinal chord.
Gabe mixed Kool-aid with water and tasted his solution. He notice his solution still tasted like water and lacked color. His solution was...
What is a diluted solution.
A V-shaped valley eroded by a river or stream.
What is canyon.
a force that holds back the movement of a sliding object. Synonyms for this word may be resistance or grinding.
What is friction.
These can change the outcome of an experiment. An example would be doing an experiment on which soil the seed grows better in: the rock and dirt soil or the nutrient rich soil.
What are variables
This vessel in the Circulatory System carries blood away from the heart.
What are the arteries.
When you mix together two or more substances and it changes the: heat of the mixture, the smell of the mixture, or causes the mixture to fizz, the mixture is known as...
What is a chemical reaction.
This is a large, level area that is lifted above the ground. It has a large flat surface.
What is a plateau.
Animals that eat meat to survive are...
What is a carnivore.