The 1st thing I should do when the timer starts.
What is Read the Prompt?
The Graphic Organizer for Expository Writing is ...
What is POW- TIDE?
The Graphic Organizer for Opinion Writing is....
What is POW-TREE?
The type of Graphic Organizer for Narrative Writing is..
The 1st thing I check when I think I am finished.
Used to "Pull Apart the Prompt."
What is the Do What Chart?
The T in TIDE stands for...
What is Topic Sentence?
The T in TREE stands for...
What is Topic?
The 1st C in CSPACE stands for...
What are Characters?
The 4 categories of Conventions are...
What is Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Capitalization?
After I Pull Apart the Prompt I must....
What is "Organize My Notes?"
The I in TIDE stands for...
What is Important Information?
The R in TREE stands for...
What is Reason?
The S in CSPACE stands for...
What is the Setting?
Capital letters should be ....
What is at the beginning of the sentence and all proper nouns?
Used to "Organize My Notes"....
What is the Graphic Organizer?
The D in TIDE stands for...
What is Details?
The 1st E in TREE stands for...
What is Explain?
The P and A in CSPACE stands for...
What is Purpose and Action?
Should be used when using dialogue.
What are Quotation Marks?
Determines which graphic organizer is used.
What is the "Type of Writing?"
The E in TIDE stands for...
What is Ending?
The 2nd E in TREE stands for...
What is Ending?
The 2nd C and E in CSPACE stands for...
What is Conclusion and Emotion?
When Conventions are check what is next?
What is add vivid vocabulary?