Prompt Writing
Expository or Narrative and what plan should I use?
Important things to remember!
What plan do you use for narrative writing?
What is the purpose of expository writing?
To inform or explain.
What is the MOST important thing in writing to a prompt?
That you understand what the prompt is asking and that you FOLLOW it!!!!!!!!
Anytime the prompt asks you to talk about a time when you felt a certain way, it is most likely a ___________ prompt and you should use the _______________.
Narrative S-C-->
What two things must I do the night before and the morning of the test?
Go to bed early and eat a healthy breakfast!!! Things like donuts and Takis are NOT considered healthy!! They will make taking the test harder for you and your brain.
What is the purpose of narrative writing?
To tell a story.
What plan do you use for expository writing?
After you read the prompt, you must decide...
...whether it is an expository or narrative prompt and what plan you are going to use.
Many people have made the world a better place. Think about one change would make. What would it be and explain how it would make the world a better place? Expository or Narrative? What plan would you use?
Expository S-S-Lightbulb
When answering multiple choice items, I must remember to us ____________ strategy.
X and M strategy!!
In a personal narrative, who is the main character?
I am the main character.
What are the key elements to an expository paragraph?
*Introduction with a topic sentence *Body that includes facts/reasons/details/examples *Conclusion that restates the main idea.
What is a topic sentence and what should it include.
Your topic sentence states the main idea and should include words (or ideas, synonyms) from the prompt.
If you could choose to be someone else for a day, who would you choose and why? Expository or narrative? What type of plan?
Expository S-S-Lightbulb
After I have finished writing, I should....
Reread my work to see if it... makes sense follows the prompt includes details, examples, reasons has a conclusion has good puntuation (capitals, periods, exclamation marks, etc.)
What are the essential elements to a personal narrative?
Character, setting, sequence (beg, mid, end)
What is the name of an expository prompt that may ask you to describe how you make your favorite recipe?
What does the conclusion do in expository writing?
It restates the main idea, but in different words!!
Everyone has been alone at sometime or another. Think about a time that you were alone at home or someplace esle. Tell about what happened and how you felt. Expository or narrative? What type of plan?
Narrative S-C--> This is tricky because it asks how you felt. Think about including that part in the conclusion when you talk about what you learned from the experience.
When I get to the "editing" paragraph, I must....
READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!! The instructions will tell you everything you need to do here. If you do not read the instructions, you will have a hard time understanding what to do.
What do these transitions show? Early one morning... A few minutes later... After that experience...
Time and sequence.
A conclusion that restates the topic sentence.
What ties expository writing all together? What does it do?
What is a good and common way to end a personal narrative?
To say what you learned from the experience.
Transitions - 1. First of all,...In addition,....Furthermore,.....are all examples of transitions used in _____________ writing? 2. A long time ago,....As I woke up,....After a while,....From that day on,....are all examples of transitions used in ________________writing?
1. expository 2. narrative
During the test, the most important thing that I have is _________________ in myself!
CONFIDENCE!!! You can do it!!! Take your time, check your work and believe in yourself:)