Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Distress Tolerance
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A basic form of this includes focusing on the breath.


What is meditation?


Motivate and organize for action, communicate to and influence others, and communicate to ourselves are all examples of this.

What is what do emotions do for you?


The three types of this include: Objectives (getting what you want), Relationship (building or maintaining a relationship), and Self-Respect.  

What is effectiveness?  


This is doing just what is needed in each situation.  It is listening to your wise mind and acting  from your wise mind.  This is to be skillful and effective.

What is willingness?


This model describes the relationship between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

What is the CBT Circle/Triangle?


When you make a decision about how to proceed skillfully and effectively on the basis of reason and emotion you are in this state of mind.

What is wise mind?


This involves rehearsing a plan in advance of a potentially triggering and difficult situation so that you are able to handle your emotions with skill in the situation.  

What is cope ahead?


This set of skills is used for getting what you want.

What is DEAR MAN?


This skill set is utilized when you are in crisis to de-activate the sympathetic nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system; This skill set is use to reduce extreme emotion mind swiftly.  

What are TIPP skills?


All OR Nothing, Mind Reading, and Shoulds are all examples of these.  

What are cognitive distortions?

Observing, Describing, and Participating are this component of mindfulness skills.

What are WHAT skills?


This set of skills can help you to reduce vulnerability to emotion mind by addressing the needs of your physical self.

What are PLEASE skills?

Treat Physical Illness

Balance Eating

Avoid Mood Altering Substances

Balanced Sleep



This set of skills is used for keeping the relationship.

What are Give skills?


Cleaning a room in your house, doing something thoughtful for someone, watching a reality show about others troubles, reading a joke book, putting the pain in a box on a shelf, counting the colors in a painting, and squeezing a rubber ball very hard are all examples of this type of skill.

What are distraction skills/ACCEPTS skills?

Completing one of these can help you to challenge and change distorted thinking patterns.

What is a thought record?


Non-Judgmentally, One-Mindfully, Effectively are this component of mindfulness skills.

What are HOW skills?


This is a skill that can be used when your emotions do not fit the facts or when acting on your emotions would not be effective.

What is OTE (Opposite To Emotion Action)?

This set of skills is used for maintaining self-respect.

What are FAST skills?


Being mindful of pleasant sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations using items you have collected in a kit.  

What is self-soothing?

This is a framework you can use to plan a balance of daily activities which meet your physical, achievement, connection, and pleasure needs.  

What is BACES?


You are in this state of mind when your actions are ruled by facts and logic AND you are in this state of mind when your actions are ruled by your moods and feelings.  It is not ideal to act exclusively from either of these states of mind.  

What is Reasonable Mind AND Emotion Mind?


Doing things that make you feel competent and effective or accomplished to combat helplessness and hopelessness.

What is Build(ing) Mastery?


This type of communication involves expressing your emotions, describing the situation/problem, and asserting your needs.

What is an "I Statement?"


You are practicing this when you stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums because reality is not the way that you want it to be.  This is to acknowledge causes of reality.  It is not approval of reality or passivity.  

What is Radical Acceptance?


These are a type of distorted thought that are deeply held and more resistant to change.  They are formed early in life and are absolute statements about ourselves, others, and the world.  


What are core beliefs?