This summer treat was invented when an eleven year old accidently left his flavored soda and a stick in his freezer.
What is a popsicle.
This method involves cooking food on a very hot surface with no liquid or fat.
What is searing
This process involves killing harmful bacteria in milk and is names after the scientist.
What is pasteurization
In Ireland and the UK this vegetable is called an aubergine.
What is an eggplant
This is a newly open grocery story specialize in asian groceries.
What is hmart
When trying to make chocolate cookies, a baker instead accidently invented what cookie instead.
What is chocolate chip cookie
This high heat cooking method popular in Chinese cuisine involves tossing ingredients quickly in a pan.
What is stir frying.
This chemical reaction occurs when amino acids and sugars react to cause browning and flavor development.
What is the Maillard reaction.
What is an onion
The student run cafe in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
What is Bevier Cafe
This food was made out of spite after a rude customer kept sending back their french fries for not being crispy enough.
What are potato chips
This technique involves submerging food in boiling water, then transferring it into ice water to immediately stop the cooking process.
What is blanching
This naturally occurring protein gives bread dough its elasticity and structure but is avoided by people with celiac disease.
What is gluten
This root vegetable is know for being rich in beta carotene.
What is a carrot
While not on cmapus, this nearby market is a favorite place for lacals and students to gather a variety of fresh produce, baked goods, and international goods.
What is the Urbana Farmers Market
The first recorded cookbook was written in which ancient empire.
What is Rome.
This French technique involves slowly cooking meat ror vegetables by submerging it in fat.
What is confit
The scovile scale measures the heat level based on this chemical compound.
What is capsaicin
This starchy vegetable was the cause of the Irish Famine in the 19th century.
What is a potato
Which dorm has a sustainable LLC.
What is LAR
This popular drink was invented after a circus consession worker ran out of water for his drink so he instead used dirty laundry water.
What is pink lemonade.
When making mayonaise, this techniq slowly combines oil and egg yolk to prevent seperation.
What is emulsification.
This gas is commonly used to carbonate soft drinks as well as responisvle for making bread rise.
What is carbon dioxide
What is dandelion
UIUC's Department of Food Science conducts research on this method of food preservation involving heat treatment.
What is canning