Instructional Programs for ELLs
Krashen's Monitor Model
Schumann's Acculturation Model
Characteristics of ELL Students
Krashen or Schumann?
A program where an ELL student is speaking 100% without any extra help from from a teacher certified in ESL.
What is submersion (sink or swim)?
How many hypotheses are in Krashen's Model of second language acquisition?
What is five?
According to Schumann, how many factors influence social distance?
What is eight?
True or False: English Language Learners are an alike, non-diverse group.
What is false!
Which model has 8 factors?
Who is Schumann?
What program(s) use 90-100% of English in the classroom and the possibility of language support?
What is ESL Pull out/Push in or Structured Immersion?
In Krashen's first hypothesis, this half of the title refers to subconsciously acquiring language by practicing in a natural, social environment without formal teaching?
What is Acquisition?
Which of the following is NOT one of Schumann's 8 factors? Social dominance, Integration Pattern, Natural order, or Enclosure?
What is Natural order?
What groups could be considered involuntary minorities?
What is African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, etc.
When in a comprehensible input, low-anxiety situation, interesting situation, acquisition will happen.
Who is Krashen?
How long is the duration of a Dynamic Bi/Plurlingual Education program?
What is 4-6 years?
Which hypothesis refers to students planning, editing, and correcting their speaking of a second language unnaturally
What is The Monitor Hypothesis?
A person taking on a new culture without giving up his/her own is defined by?
What is acculturation?
______ are described as groups who are new to the United States, measure success by homeland standards, and are not highly influences by mainstream attitudes.
What is Immigrant Minorities?
Learning is a formal, conscious process.
Who is Krashen?
What program initially begins with 90% home language and gradually decreases to 50% or less by 4th grade?
What is Developmental Bilingual Education?
The notion that a second language learner's current knowledge is added to when it comes into contact with a higher level of competency refers to which hypothesis?
What is The Input Hypothesis?
According to Schumann, the three factors of Motivation, Attitude, and Culture Shock determine the _____ distance.
What is psychological?
What is it called when an ELL transitions from one language to the next within the same conversation? (Hint: used as a strategy in order to learn)
What is Code-Switching?
Focus should be on sociocultural factors that act on the language learner.
Who is Schumann?
In a Two-Way Bilingual Education program, which two ratios of languages are possibilities?
What is 50/50 or 90/10?
The variables of motivation, self-esteem, and anxiety can cause the ____ to either be up (blocking input) or down.
What is the affective filter?
What two differences among learners does Schumann's model not take into consideration?
What is linguistic and cognitive?
The model that includes the categories of National/State Context, Community/Family Context, and School Context is know as ____.
What is the Contextual Interaction Model?
Explains the internal, psychological process that results in acquisition.
Who is Krashen?