Terms to Know
Its just a theory... Cummins theory!
English Language Learning Program Types
Bilingualism by the Numbers
Garcia's New Models of Bilingualism
This term coined by Garcia and others helps show that educators value both languages the student is learning.
What is emergent bilingual?
According to Cummins, it is what helps make linguistic knowledge transfer possible.
What is common underlying proficiency?
Thomas and Collier identified that this is the least effective of ESL programs but the most implemented in schools in the United States.
What is ESL Pullout Traditional Instruction?
In a Late-Exit or Maintenance program, it is the amount of years that an ELL receives instruction in both their native language and their target language.
What is four to six?
The root "glossic" means this.
What is tongue or voice?
Skutnabb-Kangas refers to dominant lanugages, like English, as one of these.
What are killer languages?
Cummins uses two of these in order to demonstrate his CUP model.
What are icebergs?
This bilingual program's goal is to get ELLs into the mainstream classroom as soon as possible, and students often lose their first language in the process.
What is Early-Exit Bilingual Education?
There are approximately this many languages in the world.
What is 7,000?
This view of language states that each language is a separate entity.
What is monoglossic?
It is what happens when the speakers of a minoritized language gradually change to using a dominant language.
What is language shift?
Cummins states that allowing this in the classroom helps bilinguals to develop better English.
What is translation?
This English-Only program requires that teachers have some training in ESL strategies and is mandated in California and Arizona.
What is Structured English Immersion?
Of this number of the countries in the world, less than 25% recognize two or more languages officially.
What is 192?
Instead of a bicycle or unicycle, Garcia gives this as a picture example of what a bilingual's languages looks like.
What is an all-terrain vehicle?
Grosjean calls this the phenomenon of bilinguals to use one language to help with another.
What is the complimentary principle?
This hypothesis is the key concept to success for bilingual education.
What is Interdependence?
These bilingual programs are a type of enriched education that seeks to have students proficient in two languages and in the United States, many involve instruction in both English and Spanish.
What is Dual-language?
There are this many elementary children around the world who study English.
What is 50 million?
This term comes from the Russian critic Bakhtin who used it to refer to multiple voices co-existing in a novel.
What is heteroglossic?
Garcia defines this as the "process of going back and forth from one language to another".
What is translanguaging (code switching)?
Comprising individual abilities and experience, this is the best way to think of CUP, according to Cummins.
What is a central processing system?
This type of program had the highest number of dropouts as the student's first languages are not acknowledged or developed.
What is English Immersion?
Crystal says that this percentage of the information on the World Wide Web is stored in English.
What is 80%
This heteroglossic model of bilingualism happens when a community makes an effort to revitalize their language that is being lost.
What is recursive bilingualism?