Restraint Safety
Stress Model of Crisis
Self Awareness

What are the 2 main goals of TCIS?

SUPPORT: environmentally and emotionally to reduce stress and risk. TEACH: children better ways to cope with stress.

What is the goal of physical intervention
To ensure safety

Label the 4 stages of the Stress Model of Crisis

Triggering Event --- Escalation Phase --- Outburst (CRISIS) ---Recovery

What is emotional competence (give at least 2 examples)?
Being aware of personal goals, values, beliefs; Understanding cultural and ethnic differences and each other's worldview; Demonstrating self-regulation skills; Knowing personal triggers

True or false? You should be alone when engaging in a restraint.

 False. Whenever possible, try to get someone to witness with you to keep track of time and monitor you and student. 

A crisis occurs when
A young person's inability to cope

What are 4 things you should monitor during a restraint?

Position of the student and the staff; Skin color; Respiration (no breathing problem); Level of consciousness (is responsive); Level of agitation (overexertion); Range of motion and/or swelling in extremities


Which type of aggression is goal oriented, cognitions are dominant, and is instrumental or operant aggression?

What is Proactive Aggression. 

What are the 4 questions you ask yourself
1. What am I feeling now? 2. What does this young person feel, need, or want? 3. How is the environment affecting the young person? 4. How do I best respond?

What is an example of an encouraging and eliciting technique to utilize to help encourage the student to talk?

Tone of Voice; Minimal encouragements: "uh-huh" "go on" "I see"; Door Openers: "Tell me about that"; Closed Questions: "Do you like your teacher?"; Open Questions: "How did you respond?"


What does TCIS stand for?

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools


What should be done directly after a restraint? 

Have the student and person engaging in the restraint get checked out by the nurse. 

Identify 4 ways to avoid the conflict cycle
Using positive self talk; Listening and validating feelings; Managing the environment (e.g. removing others); Giving choices and the time to decide; Redirecting the young person to another positive activity; Appealing to the young person's self-interest; Dropping or changing the expectation

Describe the TCIS iceberg.

Needs and Feelings are under the water (the biggest part of the iceberg and the part that is not seen). Behaviors are the part of the iceberg that is seen.


What are 3 nonverbal techniques to be aware of when working with an agitated or upset student?

Silence; Nods; Facial Expression; Eye Contact; Space


List 4 of the 5 Setting Conditions

Organizational Culture; Environment; Program related; Personal; Relationship-based

List 5 reasons when you should not use physical intervention
1. We cannot control the student safely. 2. We are not in control or are too angry. 3. Sexual stimulation is the motivation. 4. We are in a public place. 5. Student has a weapon. 6. Student's medical condition prohibits it. 7. Student has emotional problems risking retraumatization. 8. Student is on medication that affects his/her system.
What are the steps in the LSI
Isolate the conversation; Explore young person's point of view; Summarize the feelings and content; Connect feelings to behavior; Alternative behaviors discussed; Plan developed/Practice new behavior; Enter young person back into the routine
Identify 6 of the 8 behavior support techniques you can utilize
Managing the Environment; Prompting; Caring Gesture; Hurdle Help; Redirection and distractions; Proximity; Directive Statements; Time Away
What are the strategies for Emotional First Aid?
Drain off emotions -- Clarify Events -- Maintain the relationship and lines of communication -- Remind the child of expectations and mediate the situation if necessary

What are the 4 elements of a potentially violent situation? 

1. Trigger 2. Target 3. Weapon 4. Level of Stress


List 3 of the 9 reasons that you should not restrain. 

Staff cannot safely restrain,, staff is not calm, student is threatening staff as target, sexual stimulation, acting out in public, there is a weapon involved, specific medical conditions, results in serious emotional trauma, on medication indicating that you cannot restrain (heart problems)


What is the goal of crisis co-regulation and what are the 4 steps to remember?

To provide support in a way that reduces stress and risk 1. What to think (self-awareness) 2. What to do (Nonverbal strategies) 3. What to say (Verbal strategies) 4. What to do when it is over (LSI)


What are the 3 possible outcomes of a crisis during recovery and define each

Higher (Educateur) --- No Change (Fire Fighter) --- Lower (Abuser)


What are the goals of emotional first aid?

1. Provide immediate help and support to reduce emotional intensity. 2. Resolve the immediate crisis. 3. Keep the child in the program/activity.