The Basics
Keep It Simple
It's All Me!
So. Many. Lists.
Do You Remember?

A Trauma-Informed Organization supports and facilitates trauma-informed care through..





What are the 3 outcomes of the Recovery Phase?

1. Higher

2. No change

3. Lower


What are the foundations for intentional use of self?

1. Self-awareness

2. Self-regulation

3. Self-care

4. Relationship skills & attunement 


What are the 3 elements of the Triune Brain?

S - survival

E - emotional

T - thinking


How to avoid or end a power struggle

1. Listening & validating feelings

2. Managing the environment

3. Give choices and the time to decide what to do next

4. Dropping or changing the expectation


What are the 5 points on the Stress Model of Crisis?

1. Baseline

2. Trigger

3. Escalation

4. Outburst

5. Recovery


What are the goals of crisis intervention?

SUPPORT : provide immediate emotional & environmental support to reduce stress & risk and increase child's sense of safety

TEACH: help children learn & practice ways to regulate their emotions & behaviors


What are the 5 elements of Nonverbal Messaging?

(walkers & standers)

1. Eye contact

2. Body Language

3. Personal Space

4. Height & Gender

5. Sensitivity to Cultural Issues 


What are the spaces within the Therapeutic Milieu?

S - social

P - physical

I- ideological

C - cultural

E - emotional


Encouraging & Eliciting Techniques

1. Minimal encouragements

2. Door openers

3. Closed questions

4. Open questions


A Trauma-Informed Organization ensures that staff...





Reflective & Empathetic Responses

(definition & examples)

REFLECTIVE : connect with the child's feelings

"you look upset"

"EMPATHETIC: connect with the child's  experiences

"it must be awful to feel like that"

What are the 4 Nonverbal Techniques?

(active listening)

1. Silence

2. Facial Expression

3. Eye Contact

4. Tone of Voice

What are the Developmental Relationship Characteristics?

1. Attachment

2. Reciprocity (give and take)

3. Progressive Complexity (step by step)

4. Balance of Power


Behavior Support Techniques

1. Managing the environment

2. Prompting

3. Caring gesture

4. Hurdle Help

5. Re-direction & Distraction

6. Proximity

7. Directive Statements

8. Time Away


Define: Setting Conditions

Any thing that makes challenging behavior or traumatic stress responses more or less likely to occur. 


What are the 4 Questions we ask ourselves in crisis?

What do I feel?

What does the child feel, need, expect, or want?

How does the environment affect the situation?

How do I best respond?


What are the 4 elements of Verbal Strategies?

(what to say)

1. Say very little

2. Speak calmly, assertively, respectfully

3. Understanding Responses (bonus points if you can expand on this in up to 4 ways)

4. Remember tone of voice


Elements of a Potentially Violent Situation

1. The spark

2. The target

3. The weapon

4. Level of stress or motivation


Pain-Based Behaviors

1. Inability to regulate emotions

2. Overreaction to situations

3. Implusive Outbursts

4. Trauma Re-enactment

5. Defiance

6. Inflexibility 

7. Running away through anger or fear

8. Self-Injury

9. Withdrawal


What are the goals of Emotional First-Aid?

*stop, identify, resolve*

1. provide immediate support to reduce emotional intensity

2. identify & resolve the underlying concerns causing distress

3. keep the child in the activity


What is the objective of crisis co-regulation?

To provide support in a way that reduces stress & risk & increases the child's sense of safety


What are the 5 Nonverbal Strategies?

(What to do)

1. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale

2. Give the child space and time

3. Use silence

4. If safe, step away from the child's sight

5. Assume a neutral stance and concerned facial expression


Strategies for Emotional First-Aid

1. Co-regulate emotions

2. Maintain the relationship

3. Plan and anticipate


Name the steps of an LSI

I - identify

E - explore

S - summarize

C - connect

A - alternative response

P - plan/practice

E - enter